Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here we go...

So for ten years I've had the idea to create a place of sustainability and such beauty that everyone I know would want to visit it... I envisioned this as a place for me to retire and bring those I love to host for visits, holidays and vacations...

Then I realized I was thinking way too small and could better serve humanity by building a template for sustainable communities where money does not need to change hands within the community AND the community has unique and unlimited business and financial building potential...

The purpose of the community: Become a template for sustainable living and financial abundance while providing myself and everyone involved a place of unparalleled beauty and growth to live.

The purpose of building it as a template: Part of the 'for profit' aspect of the model and more importantly because I want other people to be able to do the same so an exchange program can be established and I can visit similar communities for collaboration and fun.

The purpose of this blog: To let people that are interested in this venture or similar ventures track our progress and see how a community such as this evolves.
