Monday, March 28, 2011

Social Networking/Media!!!

Now setup on:

Busy busy

Whirlwind trip to SLC Friday through Sat leaving at 6 AM Friday morning, arriving at 7 PM Friday night and going straight into a One Community meeting with about 50 people. Stayed at Christine's house and woke up the next morning so Christine, David, John, Attilio, and myself could all meet, sign corporate documents, and then travel to John's Grow Utah First project before leaving to drive back home at about 7PM on Saturday... all in all spending more time in the car than we did actually out of the car in Utah.

Mailed corporate documents today.

Couldn't have gone better tho and we are moving forward with the addition of Christine, David and Attilio solidified as part of the One Community Pioneer's family and added their profiles here:

Also updated our facebook fan page to a simple title: and created our twitter account: and my own personal twitter account: plus a long list of other social media accounts that Sara is setting up.

Key meeting happens this Friday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spent the day updating the site

An error on my part required updating all the site pages with new background images :( Then I updated the following pages with edits from Christine:

and most notably added Christine to the community founders page: 

Also updated my page:

Spent a fair amount of time speaking to a very interesting gal named Debora that I am looking forward to talking with more after I return from Salt Lake City on Monday. Found our project through the web so everything we are doing is working to get the word out... and we're just warming up!

Also had to update the home page links on all the pages attempting to fix google crawl errors... time will tell if I succeeded. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Setting up Non-profit

Have spent the last week setting up our One Community Ranch 501 c non-profit organization while Sara has been working on expanding our social network presence.

Welcomed Christin Wilcox as our new VP of this non-profit (Jae: President, John: CEO).

Established a Myspace Page for myself and One Community:

Expanded presence of "ethosolution" here:, and here:

Hard to do but we had to let go of the property near Kanab as a viable option - raised price was just too much for the project. Will talk to a good friend and huge realtor friend of mine after we return from the community event John is hosting in SLC this weekend: where we'll be introducing John to Attilio, David and Christine.

Tomorrow I set up a Twitter account and Wickipedia page for One Community and ethosolution...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Met with key investor... created new term: ethosolution

Spent Saturday talking with a key investor about the financials of the project - his comment was "hugely successful if you complete it but too risky because there can be no guarantee that you will complete it." In which case the value of the property would be less because, in a worst case scenario (that investors look at), we'd build parts of pods but not finished them and they then have to be removed.

His suggestion: find funding without limits. Tap into the most cutting edge companies out there and then market to oil companies, etc. as part of their R and D and positive publicity budget. Look for government grants. Tackle the following industries (and we listed about 10). 

So that is what we are going to do. Christine is looking into grants, I'm going to talk to Bill and get his take on the Oil Industry, and we continue to really focus on increasing exposure. 

I'd have loved for him to say "looks good, how do I get involved" but was expecting this to be a critique meeting anyway. The timing couldn't be better for what I've got planned in the way of marketing and meeting new people so "onward and upward."

Coined a new term to define what we are creating since the "evomimicry" people seem bogged down in administrative discussions: ethosolution. "Ethos" - essentially "character" or the ideals and principles that characterize an organization, community, or ideology and the world "solution" creating the following definition:
Any idea, organization, or cause founded upon guiding principles and ideals universally accepted as creating a better world: integrity, honesty, love, compassion, cooperation, sustainability, kindness, philanthropy, etc. Anything generally accepted as being a solution to common problems of our day and having a positive effect on humanity as a whole.

I purchased and set-up the domain along with the following pages:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spent the day working on the financials...

Added to already detailed spreadsheet on rental, timeshare, and home sales revenue. Met with Mike and explored a different way of doing timeshare SALES where you sell two month periods in the timeshare and then profit share if the person owning the two months doesn't use it or rent it themselves.

Pretty cool model for raising larger sums of money up-front to build something and could be a model we use to fund the building of the tree-house pod.

Details on all pods can be found here:

Updated all background images on all pages... much nicer and fixes an issue of the images popping up in full color in front of the text... very unsightly problem.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Woke up this morning and my site pointed to the new Resource Based Economy page instead of my home page... no reason.  Took me about 45 minutes to fix... bizarre.

Imagine typing in or and landing on instead of the home page... with all the "home" buttons throughout the site getting you to the same wrong place!

Computers... magical and mysterious lol

All things for a reason, I'm sure.  Off to spend the day with my beautiful boy.

Just had to post that...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Long last week...

The last week has been busy busy busy. Attended the Prophet's Conference last weekend and made some outstanding contacts and met some amazing people. Barbara Marx Hubbard and Daniel Pinchbeck definitely stood out.

Returned from that and had two days with my son and then went right into a 5 day class where I met someone I feel strongly is meant to be on the ranch.

Started google Adwords today, installed Google Analytics yesterday. Fixed the search button on all the pages.

Created this page:

Updated 5 other pages with suggestions and edits from Christine.

Spoke with Tina Malia's people about using her music...