Wednesday, September 9, 2009

About Jae Sabol

Hi, I'm Jae Sabol. Welcome to "One Community." To understand the inspiration behind One Community, I'd like to share a bit of about why this is my legacy and my gift to my son and to the world.

At the age of 20 I almost died and during that near-death experience I was given a vision of complete beauty, love, and acceptance for myself and for humanity. This vision inspired me and changed my life forever. I became addicted to life, happiness, and personal growth and I vowed to maintain these things as the foundations of my future.

Looking at the purpose of my existence differently led to dramatic and immediate changes in my life goals. I quite my bio-engineering college career and entered the holistic health field so that I could learn as much as I could about health and longevity. I started a business and I also started planning for where I would retire, what my most beautiful vision for daily life looked like, and how I could bring those I cared about most to share in what I would create. This was the first stage of developing what would become One Community.

Seven years later I had accumulated a long list of impressive coaching and rehabilitation credentials, an even longer list of professional athletes and successful business clients, and the thriving business of my dreams. But something was missing and I noticed a pattern in myself that I also found in every one of my clients experiencing pain and/or disease; I wasn’t feeling fulfilled.

Somehow I’d lost my focus of living for happiness and being addicted to life by focusing primarily on personal achievement. I was financially successful and socially successful but, like most of my clients, I wasn’t truly happy. So I attended several motivational seminars and began transforming my life all over again.

Refocused and invigorated I became obsessed with my original goal and how psychology and the science of happiness could be applied in achieving it, then I spent the next seven years figuring that out and accumulating another long list of credentials. Along the way my son was born, I met two people with identical visions (Nanice and John), and the necessity and reality of One Community as a prototype community for global social and economic change was born.

I have extensively studied community building, human needs, levels of spiritual evolution, human values progression, the science of happiness, and a host of other related topics all to create One Community as the ultimate environment where the human spirit can flourish and discover its unlimited potential. One Community is intentionally designed as a place of beauty, freedom, love and happiness with all the aspects of 'vacation' (physical environment, relaxation, and recreation) built into the ritual of daily life and structured as a successful and duplicable business model for financial abundance too.

Welcome to One Community.

Peace and Love,

Jae Sabol

Want to read more? Really!?! Here is the ‘first draft’ and much more detailed version of Jae's journey.