Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nanice Ellis Bio

“We are not Coming to Community out of survival, scarcity or fear; we are Coming to Community out of Love, Abundance and a True Picture of what it means to Thrive.”

I’ve spent my entire life learning about community by experiencing its power and the bitter-sweet taste of its loss. For each of my most profound experiences of the love, support and joy that is true community, I lived an equally powerful experience of separation and emotional isolation. This vacillation between the peak of human experience and its darkest depths has given me a unique appreciation and led me to dedicate my life to understanding, creating, and sharing the gift that is Genuine Community. This is my story...

To understand what an only child from Queens, New York would know about creating Genuine Community we need to go back to my high school drama class where, for the first time ever, I experienced It’s power. Hobbling on a broken ankle, and having just moved to Long Island, I walked into class feeling like an outcast only to immediately be treated like someone who belonged; and because of this, I did.  It was the first time in my life I remember not just being accepted for exactly who I was, but also being truly appreciated for my gifts and talents and it changed me forever. For the first time, I experienced true love from my peers and I spent an entire year knowing what it was like to be a part of something bigger than me. 

Unfortunately, in my eleventh year of high school I fell in love with the "bad boy" in school, ran away from home to be with him, and spent the next year trying to escape his horrific abuse one minute and returning to the facade of his love the next.  Nine months later, after I had enough of being strangled, beat, suffocated and thrown out of moving cars, I woke up from the nightmare and escaped; battered, bruised and very lost - I was happy to get out with my life.  I’d been alienated from my family, friends and even school, finding myself isolated and living the exact opposite of community; I was utterly alone. 

Facing life without friends, family or a support group I realized if I was going to get my life in order, it would have to be on my own; then I discovered myself to be pregnant.
Life delivers messages powerfully and while I was very fortunate that father was not the boy who had been abusive, I knew that raising a child as a single mother would change my life forever.  After struggling with the decision, I chose to keep and raise my child.

That moment was the most important moment of my life; as I chose to have this already loved baby, I asked myself one question, "What do I want to give my child?" Reviewing my own life, the answer was clear and simple, more than anything, I wanted to give my child high self-esteem. The problem was that I had no idea what it was or how to get it but I did know that in order to give this gift to my son, I first had to find it and own it for myself. 

The Journey began...

Over the next several years, I studied everything that I could on self-esteem; I took every class and workshop and most of all I did the inner work. It took years but it was worth every dollar spent and every moment given because “I got it!”  I’d become an expert about self-esteem and the results showed up in my life, and the life of my son. I had found what I was looking for; what I didn't expect was that this journey for self-esteem would profoundly educate me about human nature, happiness, joy, connection, love and how to create a life that I really wanted to live. 

In the spring of 1989, I found myself on the island of Philae in Egypt praying to a statue who was suppose to grant my wish. With my newfound knowledge my wish was to be of service and really make a difference in the world; two months later I found myself working as a volunteer at Middle Earth Crisis Center on Long Island.  They put me through the nations most extensive crisis training program and I emerged as an expert in the fields of suicide, crisis counseling, domestic violence, gay issues, teen issues, sexuality issues and any other issue you can imagine.  Middle Earth provided the only Suicide Outreach in the country and I was the best among only a handful of qualified counselors. In 1994, I was made counselor of the year; I was so proud it could have been a gold medal.  

As I looked out onto the audience, I saw an ocean of people who had become my family in the years that I committed myself to Middle Earth; these amazing, and also dedicated, people had stood by me during challenges and celebrations alike. The people of Middle Earth had become my community. I had never been happier.

Middle Earth showed me who I was and what I was capable of; I had discovered that I had many gifts of healing and I was truly a master at transformation.  Eventually it became clear to me that my destiny was in this field of personal transformation and I was to work with people who were ready and willing for change. I went back to school with renewed passion and within a few years achieved a Bachelor of Science in Community and Human Services. 

My intention was to continue school in order to receive a degree in psychology but along the way I discovered a new profession called Life Coaching. At the time no one ever heard of Life Coaching but I knew that it was what I was suppose to do and an umbrella where I could utilize all my gifts and talents in helping and healing others without the technical restraints of a psychology degree.

Before I knew it, I had coaching clients all over the world. 

I continued to educate myself and in ten plus years I accumulated a mass of knowledge and specialties such as Master Neuro Linguistic Practioner (NLP), Theta Healer, Hypno-therapist, Neurological Repatterning, Performance Consultant, Master Results Coach and more....  And as a result of self publishing my own books, my son and I founded ECKO House Publishing and we now publish books for authors worldwide. 

During this time, I had two more children, got married, divorced and moved to Salt Lake City, Utah; not necessarily in that order.  I fell in love with Utah; skiing in the winter, boating in the summer and simply enjoying a beautiful way to live life.  Being of a different cultural background, it took Utah a little longer to fall in love with me and I went through another period of “non-community” that lasted for years with me longing for the love and acceptance I’d felt in New York. Then one day, I stumbled into a non-traditional and non-religious Spiritual Community right in my own backyard, and before I knew it my life was once again fulfilled with community.

Evidentially, I wanted to try something farther reaching and more radical. Wishing to expand my community in 2009, I founded the ECKO Coaching School for Women Only and discovered that it was also possible to create extraordinary community with diverse people from various backgrounds worldwide. Through this Global Community, these women have found their power and their passion and have grown in abundant ways. Together we have learned that anything is possible and everything is easier and more fun with a community.

Through all these experiences and coaching people around the world, it has become clear that all people are looking for “something.”  Many try to fill that empty space with money, possessions, work, hobbies or even various partners when the real thing that they are missing is Community. Community provides constant support and fills a unique void in most peoples’ lives by creating deeper connection; to themselves, their environment, and each other. When I look back on my life, it is easy to see that the happiest times of my life were when I was part of a community.  I know what it is like to live life on my own and I know what it is like to live life in Community and I will tell you, there is no comparison.

I have learned that the key factors in Genuine Community are:

  • Everyone has a voice.
  • Everyone matters.
  • All problems have a solution and the solution holds a new paradigm for creating something greater.
  • People support each other and work together for the betterment of the whole.
  • Creativity is supported and encouraged.
  • Everyone is responsible and responsive.
  • Differing beliefs, backgrounds and cultures are honored and respected.
  • Everyone is supported in being who they really are.

Many might think that all this is impossible but it is all quite easy. People thrive when you See them and allow them to be themselves. They make good decisions and choose love over fear. They find the courage inside themselves to speak from their hearts and listen with love and compassion. They find the strength to go against the norm and create something extraordinary. One Community is for those who believe in themselves and also believe they can have it all and do what they really love to do.

The Soul demands Community and will not be truly fulfilled without it.

I have been actively dreaming of this Community for more years than I can count and I knew that others, sharing the same dream, would appear in my life, to not only fulfill this dream and create a Community but rather to create a new paradigm for the world – this is One Community. 

I met Jae Sabol in 2007 at an NLP Seminar and we became quick friends because we shared similar values and an abundant view of life. At that time, I had no idea that we also shared a dream of Community. But of course we did, and, in fact, on a deep level this is what truly brought us together. I believe that it is our destiny to create One Community and to make this dream a reality. With integrity, passion, and determination we have what it takes and continue to bring together a stronger and stronger team with the qualities and credentials necessary to take One Community from a vision on paper to a full fledge thriving Community that people, from all around the world, come to visit and learn from; making One Community a duplicable  model and a new paradigm for Community making.

We are not Coming to Community out of survival, scarcity or fear; we are Coming to Community out of Love, Abundance and a True Picture of what it means to Thrive.

… a Real Life Eden where you can just be yourself, create abundantly and live your dreams; and share your life with those who love life as much as you do. Imagine creating and being part of a village where you never have to worry about your children having enough, or how you will pay the mortgage or how you will provide good wholesome food. Imagine waking up in the morning and truly being excited about the day ahead – because you get to create it!  Imagine having enough time to play with your kids, relax with your family and have fun with your friends. Imagine having the perfect life! This is the Natural State of Being and this is what One Community provides.

Right now, people all around the world are hearing this Call to Community. If you are reading this now, that likely means you.  Is One Community the answer to your dreams? Have you been imagining a new way to live life?  Do you believe that you can have it all and do what you really love to do?  If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the time is now and One Community Welcomes You!

Come Live, Love & Laugh with Us~

Nanice Ellis 
Global Facilitator of Peaceful Awakening,
Author, Life Coach, Publisher, Speaker