Monday, February 14, 2011

Video 3 Mostly Done - Huge Site Update

Talked to Brian and Tom about the properties. Looking deeper into a third property (closer is good) now that Brian's looks to be going in the wrong direction.

Video 3 - How One Community is Happening is almost done. The actual page is done and can be found here:

Did a huge site update tonight adding music to the expressing our gifts page here:, redesigned the home page, and added search buttons on every page that look like this:

This button is amazing in that it uses the power of Google Search and only searches!

Very cool.

Promoted the radio show too, had to re-record some of the audio for video 3 because I still don't have the Pod 1 and 2 architectural plans I'm waiting on (will make separate videos for them in the future), and wrote the "this is where we are" e-mail for people contacting us with interest.... which is picking up.

That e-mail looks like this:

The response we are getting to One Community right now is not surprisingly quite large and quite diverse so we are doing everything we can to keep people informed on the development of the project and how you might help if that is something you are interested in.
First and foremost the best way to keep informed on all the details of what is happening as its happening is our new Facebook fan page: If you want the simplest way to show your support AND stay informed - that is it.
Where we are at right now: 
We are currently in negotiation on an amazing property that I expect could take several more weeks based on months of getting to this point. This property is beautiful with two ponds, beautiful rock structures, existing structures that would be perfect for those first few months of building, great location, and so much more... That said, we are also looking at two other properties right now and continuing to scan the market for new properties that may become available.
We have and are looking at properties in California, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Colorado and even Montana and New Mexico. This creates a MASSIVE range of where we will actually be building One Community, which is the first of many, and we recognize that this may be an obstacle for some and want to be sensitive to this. Details on what any property needs to even be considered can be found here:
What you should do now:
The best thing to do at this stage is to let us know what your interest level is? Fill out the interest form found on the One Community Member Page: This form is as much for you as it is for us and it answers the most important questions and allows us to keep a project of this size organized. If location is important to you, let us know. If you have a relevant timeline, let us know that too. As soon as we nail down the location we’ll let everyone know and specifically contact the people that we know it works for to share the details and see if it is a good fit and how you’d like to proceed.
If you want to help, how can you?
While negotiations on the current property and review of other properties that meet our needs progresses we are continuing to develop the website, create resources, networking, attending classes, courting our investors, and expanding our social networking and effectiveness in the search engine optimization realm. The most successful communities of tomorrow look nothing like the existing communities of today primarily due to the internet - we are aware of this and at the cutting edge of internet technology and marketing. 
Three Ways You Can Help:
Easiest - Just join the FaceBook page! It’s new and any support there is much appreciated.
A Little More Involved:
Join our Social Media Action Response Team (S.M.A.R.T.) - This is a new group we are forming to help raise awareness of One Community and boost internet ranking. It takes less than 5 minutes following the direction in e-mails I’ll send out 1-3 times a week and dramatically affects our internet ranking and impact. If you are interested in helping in this way let me know and I’ll add you to the list with HUGE gratitude.
Very Involved:
If this is your dream like it is ours and you read the website with and feel the joy in your heart that we are creating this with from ours... And you see the time is now like we do and want to really get involved... Then let us know that too. Fill out the interest form and let’s make sure we are all a good fit, tell us how you’d like to help, what skill you bring to this stage of the project, and how we can all help each other; what are your needs too? We’ve got people on the ground learning building methods with John right now in Salt Lake City and we’ll be hosting community meetings in Los Angeles within the next month or so. If either or these things interest you, let us know in the interest form.
And most important of all:
THANK YOU! Thank you for your support, your interest, and even just putting out the positive energy that we succeed. This project has been well over a decade in getting to this point and we’ll be living on a beautiful property, building, growing food, playing music, making beautiful art, and creating magic in less than six months... After all this time that is pretty amazing, and it couldn’t be one moment too soon :)
Ok... I’ve written a TON... Hopefully that was helpful.
If you’ve read the website and still have questions - don’t hesitate to ask. If you are thinking is someone else is too and we want to answer those questions and add the answers to the site for others as well.
Thank you again!
Peace and Love,
PS: Best way to contact me is always by e-mail. Due to the high volume of calls I receive I only answer numbers I recognize, but I always return calls where a message is left - still, the best way is e-mail :)