Purchasing research is now done (over 80 providers) for the One Community food forest and complete outdoor planting plan. Check it out because ANYONE with the space and desire to plant amazing things can use this information.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/food-forest/Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Creating a Comprehensive Solution - One Community Weekly Progress Update #35
Here is One Community's weekly progress update (#35). We are creating a comprehensive solution in the form of complete civilization infrastructure. This update includes picture updates, a detailed video weekly review, a timestamped overview of the video, and complete links for everything we've progressed on and accomplished in the past week.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/comprehensive-solution/Conscientious Animal Husbandry: Raising Chickens
One Community feels that modeling ethical and humane animal stewardship is essential and for The Highest Good of All in a world with nutritional needs as diverse as ours. With this goal, our team of vegetarians, vegans, and omnivores will be raising chickens for eggs, some meat, and to use their manure as fertilizer. We approach this process with respect, gratitude, and love for these creatures and will be expanding this page with our open source collaborative efforts and experience once on the property.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/chickens/Sustainably, Consciously, and Ethically Raising Rabbits
One Community feels that modeling ethical and humane animal stewardship is essential and for The Highest Good of All in a world with nutritional needs as diverse as ours. With this goal, our team of vegetarians, vegans, and omnivores will be raising rabbits for food and pelts and using their manure for fertilizer. We approach this process with respect, gratitude, and love for these creatures and will be expanding this page with our open source collaborative efforts and experience once on the property.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/rabbits/Monday, October 28, 2013
One Community on Midwest Real
One Community featured on Midwest Real Podcast: http://midwestreal.net/ Midwest Real's Intro to this show: "If you participate in social media, you’ve no doubt seen a plethora of inspirational memes floating around the Internet. You know the type; they’re the ones that feature psychedelic art or images of nature. Maybe there’s even an image of Albert Einstein’s disembodied head floating through outer space, disseminating a classic quote. Or, my favorite, a Native American staring at the moon flanked by a hawk and an especially timely old proverb. I’ll be honest; I’m guilty of it. I share stuff of this ilk pretty much on the regular. But, I’ve come to realize something. If you’re (I’m) not cultivating real action out of what you’re (I’m) posting, it’s nothing more than sanctimonious drivel. In essence you’re (I’m) full of shit, no matter how well intentioned you (I) might be..."
http://midwestreal.net/Sunday, October 27, 2013
Positive Change - Interview with Jae Sabol
Recent interview about what is happening right now to transform life on this planet positively and permanently for The Highest Good of everyone and everything here.
http://www.modernhealthycaveman.com/#!jae-sabol/cb0j5-Year Plan for Jumpstarting Global Transformation
5 year plan for jumpstarting global transformation to a sustainable planet of people living and creating for The Highest Good of All. One Community is about moving beyond a model solution by building a solution creating model. This means a regenerative and better long-term approach to sustainable world development because One Community is not designed as just one solution, but rather as a creator of modular sustainability components and solutions. One Community and our duplicable model and free blueprints include everything from sustainable food, sustainable energy, and sustainable and duplicable eco-housing, to recreation, education, fulfilled living practices, and social architecture. While anything after five years is pure speculation, we believe that if we make each piece of One Community easy to duplicate, free to access, and well-known, people will follow our lead and start to build their own prototype infrastructures and establish a sustainable world model founded on...
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/first-five-years/Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Meeting The Six Foundational Human Needs
We have come to a point in our history where we have the opportunity to create a place we can choose to live in integrity with every moment; choosing harmony with ourselves, our circle of friends and family, and our planet as a demonstration of living for The Highest Good of All. The best part is, we can also do this in a way that specifically fulfills our human needs and allows us to live lives that are rich, vibrant, and meaningful. This page is about the foundations of fulfillment and how models like One Community are a path to achieving this both ethically and ecologically.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/foundations-of-fulfillment/World-changing People - One Community Weekly Progress Update #34
Here is One Community's weekly progress update (#34). We're world-changing people creating positive and permanent global transformation for everyone. This update includes picture updates, a detailed video weekly review, a timestamped overview of the video, and complete links for everything we've progressed on and accomplished in the past week.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/world-changing-people/Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Open Source Duplicable City Hub - Portal Redesigned and Updated
One Community is designing an open source duplicable city center to save resources and help model a redefinition of how people choose to live. The SEGO Center Duplicable City Hub will function as a recreation center, large-scale dining hall, large-scale laundry facility, and alternative for visitors that might not (at first) be comfortable staying in the earthbag or straw bale hand-constructed homes. As part of One Community’s duplicable teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities model, this one building will function as a revenue stream and communal-use and resource-saving replacement of individual kitchens, laundry rooms, and living rooms for all residents of One Community.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/sego-center/Friday, October 18, 2013
One Community Partners with ThePOOSH.org
ThePOOSH.org is a unique hospitality site designed for virtually anyone, anywhere in the world, wishing to participate in or start their own sustainable self-build project. A growing community of people who desire to learn about and build more sustainable structures on this planet, it is a place to find resources about sustainable building and projects all around the world seeking assistance. For project organizers, ThePOOSH.org is a way to find like-minded people with enthusiasm, knowledge, and skill. For people interested in participating, volunteering, and learning about sustainable building and living, it is an opportunity to go learn sustainable building skills at a project and become part of a community, a community that is constructive and building the movement.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/team/#thepooshNew Sustainable Building and Materials Partner
Eric Puro – Sustainable Builder and Sustainable Materials Consultant: Eric has 3 years of experience as a sustainable builder committed to do whatever it takes to help people transition into a more sustainable life. Inspired by nature each day, Eric seeks to find more ways to incorporate nature into people’s everyday lives. He has built an earthship in Oregon, taught cob classes over England and Portugal, built one of the most sustainable structures in Europe in Portugal (which included rammed earth walls, a thatched roof, an earthen floor, and pine tar coated rope), built low-impact indigenous style structures in the UK, and a rocket mass heater in London. Besides building, Eric is also the co-founder of ThePOOSH.org, a website that connects people who desire to learn about and build sustainable structures with projects seeking their help. Eric´s contribution to the One Community project is to provide fully sustainable building research and advanced eco-development consulting for all
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/team/#eric-puroThursday, October 17, 2013
Hoop House Open Source Hub is Complete
A hoop house (also called a polytunnel, hoop greenhouse, or hoophouse) is a greenhouse with a plastic roof wrapped over a flexible structure of hoops. The interior heats up because incoming solar radiation from the sun warms plants, soil, and other things inside the building faster than heat can escape the structure. The large hoops or bows can be made of metal, plastic pipe or even wood. The heavy greenhouse plastic "skin" is then stretched tight over the hoops and fastened to baseboards with strips of wood, metal, wire or even used irrigation tape and staples. Hoop houses are ultra-affordable, fast and cheap to build, and can extend a growing season by a couple month on each end. Click here for an extensive article on hoop houses if you'd like to read more.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/hoop-houses/Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Results of 30 Hours of Researching Water Saving Shower Heads
A shower is an important part of almost every person’s day, so we spent over 30 hours researching water-saving shower heads. Reviews, however, are always mixed and we see the One Community environment as arguably the best place possible for reviewing products like this because the environment is so collaborative and eco-focused. For this reason, we will be testing and open source sharing our experience with all the above shower heads that our research identified were the best of the best. We will evolve this page with those details and use what we learn in our purchasing decisions as we build the 7 sustainable village models.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/water-saving-shower-heads/One Community Welcomes Beekeeper Kim Braman to the Team!
One Community welcomes Kim Braman to the Consultant and Partners Team! Kim is a 5th-generation beekeeper with an emphasis on queen rearing. She has jointed the team as an invaluable resource for our beekeeping and apiary plans.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/team/#kim-bramanTuesday, October 15, 2013
The Solution for Everything – One Community Weekly Progress Update #33
One Community is creating the solution for everything. We define this as a sustainable civilization that completely meets the needs of all people and life on this planet while regeneratively and proactively giving more than it takes. We are a Highest Good of All organization creating the open source and free-shared blueprints to define and demonstrate a civilization like this by building the starting point as One Community. One Community will be the model to spread this Highest Good civilization concept as the first of many self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities purposed to help teach and share the key foundations of what is needed to simultaneously and comprehensively address all the issues our species is currently struggling with. This is our weekly progress update (#33) covering our team‘s accomplishments for the week of October 7, 2013.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/the-solution-for-everything/Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Architects of Our Own Future – One Community Weekly Progress Update #32
Here is One Community's weekly progress update (#32) towards creating a positive and permanent global transformation for everyone. This update includes picture updates, a detailed video weekly review, a timestamped overview of the video, and complete links for everything we've progressed on and accomplished in the past week.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/architects-of-our-own-future/Monday, October 7, 2013
Architects of the Future – One Community Weekly Progress Update #32
One Community is creating the open source blueprints, instruction manuals, and living example for the architects of the future to build off of and evolve. Our global transformation approach is to create the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration villages that includes plans for duplication of all elements including food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit business design, social architecture, stewardship practices, and more. All of these elements are designed to be duplicated individually or as complete communities, villages, and cities. This is our weekly progress update (#32) covering our team‘s progress for the week of September 30th to October 6th, 2013.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/architects-of-our-own-future/Sunday, October 6, 2013
Sustainable Alternative to Tampons
Menstrual cups offer a sustainable solution to the way women’s monthly flow had most commonly been handled, which was either by using disposable tampons or disposable pads. With the common and repetitive use of disposables, countless disposable tampons, pads, and their packaging are flushed and put into landfills. Most people don’t think about it and advertisers of the products even boast an “out of sight and out of mind” mentality. But the reality is these products are far from “out of sight”. They can be seen everywhere – in our landfills, washing up in our coast lines, our bathroom garbage cans, and traces of it may even be on or in your body!
http://www.ethosolutions.org/divacup-what-is-a-menstrual-cup/Enviroartistic Design
One Community is designed to showcase and share that the Highest Good of All cities of the future will be an artistically built environment that demonstrates a green community is more than just eco-friendly, it's beautifully artistic and more functional as well. To accomplish this, we see the importance of focusing primarily on four foundations: affordable duplicability in accordance with our open source goals, showcasing of the diversity of eco-building methods, demonstrating innovative designs with individual aesthetic beauty, and maximized functionality while each contributing something unique to the recreation aspects of One Community.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/enviroartistic-design/Thursday, October 3, 2013
Open Source and Free-shared Education: Core Curriculum
Open source and free-shared education - the core curriculum page is now done: http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/core-curriculum/ The goal is free education and designing a program that far exceeds traditional models without having children sit at a desk all day long. Please share with people you know who have kids.
http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/core-curriculum/Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Blueprint for a Better World – One Community Weekly Progress Update #31
Here is One Community's weekly progress update (#31) towards creating a positive and permanent global transformation for everyone. This update includes picture updates, a detailed video weekly review, a timestamped overview of the video, and complete links for everything we've progressed on and accomplished in the past week.