Friday, October 18, 2013

New Sustainable Building and Materials Partner

Eric Puro – Sustainable Builder and Sustainable Materials Consultant: Eric has 3 years of experience as a sustainable builder committed to do whatever it takes to help people transition into a more sustainable life. Inspired by nature each day, Eric seeks to find more ways to incorporate nature into people’s everyday lives. He has built an earthship in Oregon, taught cob classes over England and Portugal, built one of the most sustainable structures in Europe in Portugal (which included rammed earth walls, a thatched roof, an earthen floor, and pine tar coated rope), built low-impact indigenous style structures in the UK, and a rocket mass heater in London. Besides building, Eric is also the co-founder of, a website that connects people who desire to learn about and build sustainable structures with projects seeking their help. Eric´s contribution to the One Community project is to provide fully sustainable building research and advanced eco-development consulting for all