Friday, June 11, 2010

Talent Diversity

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

Talent diversity is an essential part of One Community. Our culture of growth, entrepreneurship and self sustainability is enriched with different skills, talents and views. We appreciate natural ability and actively invite people with different expertise to join our community and fully release their potential in the unique environment we provide.

The philosophy, mission, entrepreneurial model, and specific appreciation for natural talent that One Community embodies makes it a desirable community for artists, skilled laborers, healers, and anyone with a diversely marketable and applicable talent like website design, accounting, management, audio recording skills, video skills, etc. Employing people's specialized skills for maximum effect, and the gratitude of everyone in the community, is what makes One Community a prototype for world change because as our numbers increase the inclusion of more and more diverse skills make One Community even more of an enriching culture of growth and opportunity for everyone.

Each person joining One Community is invited to share their skills, hobbies and natural talents as part of the sponsorship process because part of community living is being able to express these gifts as community contribution; sharing what you love most as part of what you add to everyone's community experience just as the sharing of their gifts adds to yours. This sharing is what allows us to enjoy nightly live music, food made with love and skill, story telling, classes, and all the other contributions that make One Community unique.

Talent diversity also contributes to the financial viability of One Community. Working together to form entrepreneurial ventures is encouraged and rewarded because we want everyone to be financially independent and the Win-Win-Win-Win model of One Community revolves around the successful organization of Community Members. Community Members working together win because they co-create a personal income stream in an environment that makes that easier than anywhere else, One Community wins because new businesses provide community contribution opportunities and One Community receives 10% of gross revenue, Property Investors win because they receive 15% of gross revenue, and the world at large wins because it gets the product of passionate people sharing their gifts.

The model is both simple and radical at the same time but it works because talent diversity is just one piece of the three principles of success that make One Community successful.