Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Efficiency Model

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become www.OneCommunityGlobal.org, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

We live in a society of massive insufficiency that could be dramatically improved if we just create our community so it is conducive to working together. The vast majority of obligatory things that we do could be done for a large group of people simultaneously with only a fraction of increased time for the person doing them. One Community applies this principle as a foundation of community building and creating more free time.
Time is our most precious resource...
The Efficiency Model is One Community's model for creating more time. I like to use Ford and Disney as examples because they were both masters of efficiency in their own industries, creating new (at the time) and efficient methods to accomplish large tasks faster and of higher quality than the competition. Both Ford's assembly line and Disney's animation techniques were hugely successful and infinitely simple as they demonstrated that efficiency is as simple as repetition and compartmentalization coupled with teamwork.

One Community's community contribution hours are based on these same principles of repetition and teamwork compartmentalization. Treating the community like a family, domestic tasks are shared as a group and compartmentalized. Cooking, growing food, laundry, child care, education, and many recreational activities are performed for the group rather than the individual because the amount of time it takes one or two people to do these tasks for the group is significantly less than the accumulated time of all the individuals performing the same tasks for themselves. Furthermore, these are all tasks the individual would have to do anyway; so doubling or tripling the time a person spends doing these tasks one day out of the week, so they don't have to do them for themselves again until the following week, is pretty appealing.

The concept is very simple. Consider the amount of time two people would take to cook a complete meal and clean for 50 people. While it may take two people an hour of cooking and an hour of cleanup, this is a fraction of the time invested by 50 people each cooking for one or two. Furthermore, cooking for a groups like this means less food waste, less water waste for cooking and cleanup, more of a community atmosphere, and increased efficiency of the cooking process over time. Rotation of the cooking duties helps people share successes and working methodologies, keeps the process educational and interesting, and makes the process more fun.

One example of massive inefficiency in today's society is food production. Consider the resources and waste of delivering conventionally farmed food from all over the world to your grocery store. It is even more staggering when you consider food prices and that you could feed 36 people eating a 100% vegetarian diet on ONE acre of land designated for vegetable growth! Researching more and taking a conservative estimate, I determined that 4 people working that land an average of 5 hours a day would be more than sufficient to tend that acre of land... leaving the other 32 to do something else.

These statistics are staggering! Here is the link with more detailed information on growing food: Link

Another benefit to this approach to food and domestic responsibilities is diversity of brainpower performing the tasks. This means more minds thinking about ways to make the tasks easier and is foundational to our entrepreneurial approach as well: idea formulated, business plan drawn up, plan shared with group, group decides most efficient method to enact plan and work together to successfully implement it. Regular reports to the group allow everyone to participate in the evolution of each entrepreneurial endeavor and see the results of the communities combined efforts.

In all three examples (food preparation, food production and entrepreneurial endeavors) One Community as a community benefits the individual and the group in ways that neither could accomplish without the other with the end result producing significantly more free time and a more pleasant and cohesive living environment.