Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Six Human Needs

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

There are six human needs that motivate people to do the things we do. Each of these needs plays a crucial roll in our happiness and we spend our life trying to get them met. This page is a quick psychological overview of specifically how One Community is designed to meet all six of the human needs and why it is so appealing to people.

“Lasting fulfillment is attained only through gaining insight into the core of our human nature, unleashing the power to understand, appreciate, and enjoy our lives at the deepest level.” 
~ Anthony Robbins ~

Genuine community, and more specifically One Community, is a special place because it meets ALL of the six human needs as identified by Tony Robbins. The purpose, values and mission, the philosophy, and the social structure of One Community have each been designed with maximum individual growth and true human happiness in mind and this means fulfillment of all of our core human needs. What follows is a brief discussion of each of the human needs and how community and One Community relate to them.
  1. Certainty/Comfort. We all want comfort. And much of this comfort comes from certainty. Of course there is no absolute certainty, but we want certainty that we will have the necessities of life like food and shelter (despite the economic state of the world), friends, a place to retire, and a source of income. One Community creates an environment of security and comfort by being self-sustainable and built on vacation principles; if it's a place you'd dream of vacationing is probably a place you'd love to live.
  2. Variety. At the same time we want certainty, we also crave variety. Paradoxically, there needs to be enough UNcertainty to provide spice and adventure in our lives. We want a variety of activities to participate in, a variety of people and perspectives to surround ourselves with, and a variety of challenging goals. One Community offers these things with a mission for world change by being the solution to a paradigm of living that is routine and disconnected through a stimulating environment of diverse views and approaches working together. We are ever growing and evolving while we work together to build and expand our community and our reach.
  3. Significance. Deep down, we all want to be important. We want our life to have meaning and significance; to know that our life means something. One Community governs by consensus because we value everyone's perspective and support a community that is all leaders. We see each person as uniquely important to our global mission and pride ourselves in valuing the significance of each individual as a crucial viewpoint of a successful community team.
  4. Connection/Love. It would be hard to argue against the need for love. Everyone wants to feel part of a community even though most people have never experienced genuine community where "It is like falling in love. When they enter community, people in a very real sense do fall in love with one another en masse. They not only feel like touching and hugging each other, they feel like hugging everyone all at once. During the highest moments the energy level is supernatural. It is ecstatic."  ~ Peck
  5. Growth. Second only to connection/love for most people, growth is essential to a person's feeling good about themselves and where they are going in life. "If you're not growing, you're dying" is a famous quote that resonates with most. At One Community we see growth as a foundation of our unique culture and cultivate it through our government, are social structure, classes, group activities and teamwork approach to completing large tasks. By doing this, we maintain an environment of variety and participation in every evolving and changing activities that keep us individually stimulated and growing as a community.
  6. Contribution. The desire to contribute something of value—to help others, to make the world a better place than we found it is in all of us. This is what One Community is... a prototype for global change starting by being the change we wish to see in the world expressed individually and then as a community. As a community model almost our entire existence is about contribution.
There are many other ways that One Community and genuine community meet the 6 human needs but these are the basics. For more information read the pages on:
For more information, Tony Robbins discusses the six human needs in depth at this link.