Saturday, July 10, 2010

Expressing Our Natural Gifts

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

We at One Community recognize that everyone has natural gifts and talents; things they love to do and naturally do well. Sharing these gifts with each other and the world is part of our culture and our model for success and world change. In living and sharing our natural gifts we achieve success by doing what makes us happiest and this distinguishes our philosophy and our lifestyle as an example for others to follow.

"All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness." 
~ Eckhart Tolle ~

One Community is a culture of growth and we take great pleasure in anyone expressing their natural gifts because we know it is from that place that a person is most in line with their own divinity. We believe in a diversity of talent and we know that the best performers, artists, teachers, and professionals of all walks of life are the best because they are passionate and love what they do. We celebrate this passion by creating and maintaining a space for people to express and share these natural gifts and in so doing give ourselves the gift of witnessing and enjoying excellence in an environment of interesting and ever changing interaction.

As part of our culture of growth, and what we offer to the public, we encourage people with gifts and a love of any skill to teach their skills and gifts because this is our most valuable commodity. We promote and market these gifts because our own hunger for knowledge, and appreciation for the opportunity to learn from passionate people, is never satisfied and we assume the world is the same. 

We know we are all teachers and we are all students and we see the learning experience as an interactive activity that evolves our environment and keeps our community vibrant and healthy with personal growth. This growth sets us apart as individuals and a community and makes One Community a place in which people want to live, invest and visit.

We selflessly contribute that which comes most naturally, and brings us most joy, because this is our most powerful and sincere gift to give and the source of true fulfillment.