Sunday, July 7, 2019

One Community welcomes Brianna Olsen to the Sustainability Research Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!

Brianna earned her BA from Saint Mary’s College of California in 2018 as a member of the first graduating cohort of the Justice, Community, and Leadership major. Brianna also received minors in Math/Computer Science and French. During her undergraduate studies Brianna developed a strong affinity for environmental justice. She spent a summer internship doing funding development work for The Nature Conservancy and is presently working in financial and risk analysis in the health insurance industry. She aspires to continue her studies in environmental justice by applying for graduate school working toward a Masters in Public Policy with a concentration in environmental policy. Brianna is utilizing her time on the Highest Good Housing project to develop her professional research skills, learn more about sustainability and associated industries, and compiling her research into accessible channels for others to integrate into their own lives, thus furthering green living. Click for Brian