This is the last one of the 7 we reviewed: The Howard Gardner 8 Multiple Intelligences system (which has evolved into the "9 Multiple Intelligences") is the inspiration for what we are now calling simply "Multiple Intelligences" or "Multi-Intelligence" for short. The original Gardner 8 Intelligences differentiated intelligence into 8 specific (primarily sensory) "modalities" rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Howard Gardner 8 Multiple Intelligences inspired ideas that we expect to expand beyond the 9 Intelligences currently identified by the Howard Gardner system. As we expand this component even further we will continue to organize the information here into the primary components of the One Community Education Program: Curriculum for Life, Teaching Strategies for Life, Learning Tools and Toys for Life, and building The Ultimate Classroom.