One Community is excited to announce our newest partners Ziggy Tolnay and the RBE10K community project! Ziggy is a Software Developer and Database and Systems Designer and Administrator and his RBE10K project is an international community effort for designing and planning, by the end of 2014, a social arrangement engineered to satisfy premises of full sustainability, self-sufficiency, equality, freedom, health, and access to the necessities of life without using money, trade, or authority or privilege systems. We'll be working together on food infrastructure details and other open source sustainability components for The Highest Good of All. Read Ziggy's complete bio here: Read more about the RBE10K project here:, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
How Can You Change the World: One Community Progress Update for the Week of May 20th, 2013
Here's the One Community weekly update and progress report (XIII) with complete images, links, etc. from last week's forward movement towards a sustainable and open source world for all:, May 26, 2013
Highest Good Lifestyle Considerations Beyond a Resource Based Economy: Cleaning Supplies | Materials | Clothing | Toiletries
Highest Good lifestyle considerations are areas beyond Highest Good infrastructure, Highest Good society, and a resource based economy that we consider important for One Community to address so that we demonstrate the most comprehensive approach possible for Highest Good of All living. This includes tools, machines, toiletries, cleaning supplies, daily living practices, electronics, recreational items, hardware, etc., May 22, 2013
Open Source Project-launch Blueprinting Complete Civilizations for a Sustainable Planet
One Community is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything necessary to create comprehensive sustainability and build 7 different sustainable village prototypes as a path to collaborative global change for The Highest Good of All. We are focusing on the following areas: food, energy, housing, education, business, society, and stewardship., May 21, 2013
Creating a New Earth: One Community's Accomplishments for the Last Week
We believe creating a new earth is a process of: Deciding a new earth model is possible and desirable, creating a specific strategy and blueprints for accomplishing it, and free-sharing the blueprints so others can duplicate and evolve everything we do for The Highest Good of All. This is the One Community progress updated for the week of 5/13/2013 in our path to accomplishing these three focus points and collaboratively creating this new earth with the people who agree with us that it is possible., May 19, 2013
Open Source and Free Education: Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences Review and Summary for the Education for Life Program
This is the last one of the 7 we reviewed: The Howard Gardner 8 Multiple Intelligences system (which has evolved into the "9 Multiple Intelligences") is the inspiration for what we are now calling simply "Multiple Intelligences" or "Multi-Intelligence" for short. The original Gardner 8 Intelligences differentiated intelligence into 8 specific (primarily sensory) "modalities" rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Howard Gardner 8 Multiple Intelligences inspired ideas that we expect to expand beyond the 9 Intelligences currently identified by the Howard Gardner system. As we expand this component even further we will continue to organize the information here into the primary components of the One Community Education Program: Curriculum for Life, Teaching Strategies for Life, Learning Tools and Toys for Life, and building The Ultimate Classroom., May 16, 2013
Help Us Nominate One Community and Executive Director Jae Sabol for TED Talks
Want to help One Community out? Help us nominate One Community Executive Director Jae Sabol for the TED Talks Prize:, May 13, 2013
One Community Welcomes Stephanie VanderKallen to Our Team!
One Community is happy to welcome Stephanie VanderKallen to the One Community team of Consultants and Partners helping with the development of the the Education for Life Program. Stephanie is a teacher and a mental health professional who graduated from California State University Long Beach in 2001 with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. She then pursued her teaching credential and began teaching special needs students. She has worked in both public and private education settings spanning a broad diversity of socioeconomic background and holding positions including Teacher’s Aide, General Education Teacher (pre-schol, Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten), Special Education Teacher (grades 8-12), and Skills Trainer (early intervention in home, elementary and high school; ASD, E/D, Bi-polar, PTSD, MR, LD). Stephanie is now working on her Master’s Degree in Marriage and family Therapy and brings her experience, passion, and desire to create and implement..., May 9, 2013
New Conscious Music Project Addition: “All I Need” Song, Lyrics, and Video by Michael Medall
New Conscious Music Project addition and Michael's Kickstarter! “All I Need” lyrics and video is a conscious hip hop song by Michael Medall and a part of our ongoing Inspirational Music Movement to share the top uplifting songs to live, love, and expand with. The goal of this music project is to increase happiness and conscious awareness through sharing the most enriching music, positive lyrics, and high vibration songs we can find! If you’ve got an idea for sing-along-and-smile music with a message of joy - share it with us here and we’ll review it and add it to the page if it looks like a good fit! Meanwhile, check out Michael’s “All I Need” – a great hip hop song with a great message!, May 7, 2013
Mindfulness and Fun as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
We've completed our Mindfulness and Fun curriculum page of the Education for Life program! Check it out and contribute your ideas to make it even better! a New Earth: One Community Progress Update for the Last Week
One Community is focused on creating a new earth for The Highest Good of All. Open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing a model for self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world is our path to achieving this. We believe if we make it easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive to enough people, then we can create exponential growth and develop mainstream embracing of these concepts and literally transform life on this planet for everyone. Here is our progress update for the week of April 29th through May 5th, 2013., May 6, 2013
Updated One Community Spirituality Page! "Spirituality for The Highest Good of All"
The spiritual philosophy of One Community is living for The Highest Good of All and Oneness; seeing each of us as expressions of each other and all aspects of spirituality be that Jesus, Buddha, Kali, Krishna, Isis, Mandela, Sofia, Mohammed, Yahweh, Sai Baba, La Virgen Maria, Waka Tankan, Ramana, God, no God, or Something else. We love life and know That which breathes everything, breathes us as well. We do not believe any power that is omnipotent or omnipresent has a use for judgment or punishment and we do our best to live a life of acceptance, love, and understanding for all; and we feel that God/The Universe/The All, or whatever label we wish to call It, does the same. We try and see the Divinity in all things and to honor this Divinity in Us by living an honorable life of gratitude, contribution, cooperation, and service to each other, our planet, and the rest of our species. Source Education: Our Review of Study Technology is Done!
According to Study Technology, there are three barriers that prevent students from learning: absence of mass, too steep a gradient, and the misunderstood word and the Study Technology methodology is designed to address these. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Study Technology inspired ideas we reviewed as part of developing the One Community Education Program sections: Curriculum for Life, Teaching Strategies for Life, Learning Tools and Toys for Life, and building The Ultimate Classroom., May 5, 2013
Socioemotional Development and Community: The 4 Phases of True Community Development
The epitome of socioemotional development for adults is unconditional love; building True Community is a path to creating a supportive environment where it is easier to do this. Putting aside judgment, the need to fix or change each other, and choosing to maintain an environment of people free to be themselves is a natural progression for us as an empathic civilization and collective human consciousness. One Community is designed to support this through a detailed process of seeking those with a consciousness for The Highest Good of All and our commitment to the stages of community building, consensus governing, and our social architecture., May 3, 2013
Welcome New One Community Pioneer Michael Martin
One Community is happy to welcome Michael Martin as the newest member of the One Community Pioneer Team! Michael is an Economic Botanist, Permaculturist, Curator and Plant Propagator. He's been working with us for two weeks already on our open source food infrastructure and other planting details. You can read more about Michael on his Bio page: Welcome to the team Michael!, May 1, 2013
How to Create Sustainable Sustainability for The Highest Good of All
Creating sustainable sustainability for The Highest Good of all by combining fulfilled living with self-sufficient sustainable infrastructure, zero-waste living, regenerative living, a resource based economy, and a sustainability NETWORK focused on sharing and spreading these ideas. Project Management Software
Here is our newly completed open source portal for the One Community ACE Application including an overview of current functionality, how we'll be using as part of the Highest Good for All global collaborative, and links to the open source code and a place to try it out: