Updated signatures to add in our twitter and facebook fan pages
Updated How Page: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/how.html
Fixed some formatting on the “help us page”: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/helping-one-community.html
Edited Craig’s List ad for engineer and architect
Updated Interest Form Page: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/interest-form.html
Updated Community Contribution Pag: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/Community-Contribution.html
Updated Kids Page: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/kids.html
Created Interest Form Partnership Page: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/interest-form-partnership.html
Created Sustainable Partnerships Page: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/sustainable-partnerships.html
Added a specialized Tab and optimized the One Community Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/onecommunityfans?sk=app_160628063962200
Created and Images Page for people who partner with us to download and access our logo, etc.: http://www.onecommunityranch.com/images.html
Followed up on the partnership with IWE for our educational system
Oh ya, and created a future vision page that I really dig:
Yep, pretty busy....