Sunday, August 22, 2010

Three Tiers of Investment*

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

One Community has a revolutionary win-win-win approach to investing money, time and energy with three packages for involvement. The Property Owner Package focuses entirely on financial investment incentives, the Community Investor Package is a balance of financial investment incentives and community involvement personal growth incentives, and the Community Member Package is primarily personal growth and contribution driven. Each package creates unique opportunity for the others and a person can invest in one, two, or all three opportunities.

Property Owner
The Property Owner(s) is essentially the deed holder to the land that One Community is built upon.
  • Property Owner(s) may also be Community Investors and/or Community Members
  • Entitled to 15% of gross community revenue
  • Investment return with structures build by Community Members and Community Investors
  • Investment return with property development, landscaping, and improvements by Community Members
  • Special purchasing rights for structures built on property 
  • Participants in the community consensus process
Click here for details on how this model works to uniquely benefit Property Owners.

Community Investors
A Community Investor is a person investing in the community by building a structure and/or business as part of the community. 
  • Community Investors may also be Property Owners or Community Members
  • Investment opportunities as low as $5,000 
  • Option to invest as a timeshare holder or structure owner with timeshare revenue
  • Free land to build on and you only pay taxes on your completed structure.
  • Community Member management of your structure as an investment property.
  • Variety of pre-designed floor plans, building material options, and our Community Member labor force all keep building costs down.
  • Structures are built at a fraction of their finished value and this value increases as the community grows.
  • Participation in all One Community activities (educational classes, food program, child care, etc.) when living in or visiting One Community.
  • Special purchasing rights for other structures built as part of One Community.
  • Participants in the community consensus process
Click here for details on how this model works to uniquely benefit Community Investors.

Community Member
Community Members are the people who live in the community and keep One Community running as voting members of the community with community contributions of 20-40 hours per week.
  • Community Members may also be Property Owners or Community Investors
  • Forty hour work week includes domestic responsibilities
  • Community membership is possible without financial investment
  • Diversity of talent and entrepreneurial model for your financial abundance
  • Foundation and daily participants in genuine community and the One Community social structure and philosophy
  • Voting Members in the community consensus process that evolves and enriches the One Community experience and our impact on the world
  • First Right of Refusal on property and structure sales.
Click here for details on how this model works to uniquely benefit Community Members.

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement. While every effort for accuracy has been made, all financial figures are estimates, not guarantees.

One Community Growth Projections

This page still under construction.... 

One Community is designed as a duplicable model for global, social, and economic change. To achieve a goal as profound as this requires a 

It is important to the integrity of this venture that investments are secure. We believe that the greatest value of One Community is the community itself and that the businesses, intelligent design, location, and land are additional benefits to what we provide. We are committed to building something unique and transformational not only for ourselves, our friends, visitors, our children and our children's children but for the world. This is our legacy, our gift, and our God given right to express our creative and heart felt intelligence by creating the most amazing place to live and thrive that we can imagine. That said, it is important to consider the possibility, no matter how remote, of failure.

The entire politicalsocial and entrepreneurial structure of One Community is designed so that it greater than the sum of its parts, not dependent upon any one person or aspect of the community for success and multi-faceted enough to evolve and change with its members and time... Property Owners and Community Investors can always sell their investments and, so long as the community is growing, these investments will also increase in value. But what if the community doesn't grow or dissolves?

To secure the investments of the Property Owner and Community Investors dissolution of One Community would be accompanied by a First Right of Refusal to purchase all community structures at construction cost minus 20% offered to the Property Owner's first and the Community Investors second. Property improvements invested in by One Community would be considered earned and owned in full by the Property Owners.

Because Property Owners and Community Investors are not voting members of One Community, unless they are Community Members as well, growth of the community and their investment is also important and can be divided into three categories: physical growth, entrepreneurial growth, and community growth. Each of these three categories is defined in such a way that it can be quantifiably assessed for growth that contributes to the value of the community/property as a whole.

Physical Growth: Physical growth is the easiest to assess as it is the addition of actual structures, property improvements and anything else that requires cash investment. Based on current housing and property trends, a ten percent annual increase in tangible growth would be pretty good and is considered the benchmark of our success for physical growth.

Entrepreneurial Growth: Entrepreneurial growth is the growth of the businesses within the community and the three principles of success One Community embodies to make it a thriving community of entrepreneurs with multiple businesses and streams of income. Growth in this area can be objectively assessed based on revenue generated. Our goal in this area at a minimum community generated gross income of 30% of initial property value within the first 5 years (average 6% initial property value of growth each year). Hypothetically speaking this would mean on a 2 million dollar property that would equate to $600,000 gross revenue with a 4.5% (15% of gross) annual return to Property Investors in addition to "physical growth" and "community growth."

Community Growth: Community growth is the least tangible but arguably the most important aspect of the community for contributing to increased property and investor value. Community members run the community but more importantly create the community atmosphere through their community contribution of classes, music, food, and property development. Community growth can be objectively assessed by whether or not the community is growing in active members (voting members investing 30+ hours a week in community building) and community activities available to visitors. A roster of community members and their contribution as well as community activities is used to assess this aspect of the community.

Significant growth as outlined in any one of these areas is considered 'growth' but lack of growth in all three of these areas would be considered 'stagnation' and grounds for review and dissolution of One Community if not corrected within 12 months. Because this is my legacy, and we are all working together and focused on the same goals that are much larger than just 'growth,' stagnation seems unlikely but it is still important to plan for it in the interest of investor security and confidence. Six months of 'non-growth' observed by an investor would constitute a community meeting to correct the problem with investor agreed upon benchmarks of success and consensus on how to achieve this success. It would then be up to the community to show the necessary growth and adequate corrective measures within 6 months that would lead to successful achievement of agreed upon goals by the 12 month point. If this did not occur dissolution as outlined above or community buyout of said investor(s) based on 3rd party appraisal would be initiated at the discretion or the investor(s).

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Becoming a Property Owner*

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

Investment in property ownership can range from $50,000 to $5,000,000 with the majority of properties we've considered falling in the 2.5-3 million dollar range. Beauty, buildable space, location for tourism, water, and weather appropriate for food self-sustainability are the primary criterial for property selection. 

All properties being considered have the following:
30+ Buildable Acres
Abundance of Trees
Abundance of Wildlife
2 Independent Water Sources
6+ Months of Shorts and T-shirt Weather
Location within 100 miles of a major airport
Location within an hour of major tourist attractions

If you wish to become a Property Owner, or already own a property you believe is suitable, please contact Jae Sabol for additional information. Single or multiple property owners are being considered and initial property investment is already secured with $300,000 allocated for the building of The Center of Peace and our eco-design expert, John Day, set to begin construction of the first two pods within six months of acquiring the appropriate property.

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Property Owner Benefits*

One Community is a unique property ownership opportunity because your investment includes a team of people to improve the property and build businesses that share 15% of their gross revenue with the property owner. Property owners also have Second Right of Refusal at 80% of market value for all structures built as part of One Community.

The Property Owner(s) are the actual deed holders of the property in which One Community is located and are considered silent partners with One Community. Property owners benefit and profit from all community income streams and from the tangible assets added by Community Investors and Community Members helping One Community to grow. The property One Community is built on is placed in a trust with shares of this trust belonging to a sole property owner or divided based on investment amongst multiple property owners.

Property Owners earn 15% of gross revenue from One Community. This community revenue is comprised of all businesses started on the One Community property by Community Members, as well as revenue from tourism, events, classes, eco home design sharing, property rental and any other revenue dependent upon, or generated because of, the existence of the community.

Property Owners also benefit from the consistent increase in property value created by landscaping and the structures added to the property by Community Investors and Members. Just as a metropolitan property owner benefits from an investor developing and building a grocery store or restaurant on their property, so too the Property Owner benefits from structures (Owned by Community Investors)  and development as part of One Community.

Lastly, but possibly one of the most profound benefits of Property Ownership, is Second Right of Refusal on structure sales. Before any structure that is part of One Community is placed on the market, Property Owners are second only to Community Members in being able to purchase these structures at 80% of their market value. See the FAQ section for how this is possible and still profitable for the Community Investor. 

The Property Owner(s) of One Community are also invited to participate as much as they like in the community process including attendance of all consensus meetings, but are not voting members unless they are also Community Members. Property Owner's only responsibilities in relation to the property are property taxes minus taxes on property structures (they don't own).

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Property Owner Example*

Choosing to be a Property Owner is like owning a city for profit without having to populate or build the city. The Property Owner purchases the land and One Community builds the city and the culture complete with housing, businesses, tourism, exports, and a unique and marketable social structure. The purpose of this page is a hypothetical outline of how the beginning stages of "city building" will take place based on our current team and resources.   

Step 1: Purchase of Property
A property meeting all the criteria for the successful building of One Community has been identified and one or more people have chosen to become Property Owners. In either case an LLC is established and the contracts are drawn up for the purchase of the property and the beginning of One Community.

Step 2: Building on the Property
The Founding Team for One Community goes to work on developing the property as soon as we own it; this generates the initial increase in value for the Property Owner. Fruit tree planting, initial landscaping, pond development, construction of the Center of Peace, and building of the first two of the 5 pods would begin almost immediately.

Step 3: Business Development
As soon as we have structures for people to live in we will begin populating One Community; some properties we are looking at already have these structures, others do not. The Center of Peace and the Pods are both businesses and living structures, so completion of one or both of these projects would allow people to begin living on, and paying to visit, the property. The more people we have actually living on the property, the faster we can complete additional pods and more labor intense landscaping, start creating the culture that is One Community through the community contribution program, and start building additional businesses through the entrepreneurial model for success.

The money is already in place for the Center of Peace (300K to start-12 months to build) and we have all the equipment, materials, funds, and expertise to build the first pod structures (1-3 months to build). Revenue will start flowing before the completion of these two projects as we sell timeshare rights to One Community and structures themselves (see: Community Investor Example).

Step 4: Evolution of the Culture
John, our lead eco-architect, said it best when he said "it's like building an entirely new civilization." Everything from the social structure to the sustainability to the psychological and emotional approaches to living are designed to support a completely new way of living that is both marketable and sustainable beyond anything currently in existence. As One Community grows, so too will our public draw, revenue, and value to everyone involved, which will further grow One Community.

Our problem is not finding people who want to be a part of One Community, and everything that Genuine Community is, but rather the maximum number of members we can have and still sustain the culture and energetic pulse that makes us unique. The research puts this 'tipping point' at about 100-150 people; we envision 80-100 full time resident adult Community Members but are purchasing space for many more.

What if a Property Owner wants to sell?
If at some point the Property Owner wishes to sell their investment they do so by assessing the value of the property as it stands with One Community development. One Community Members and Investors have First Right of Refusal for the property sale and One Community Members and Property Owners have First Right of Refusal for structure sales at 80% of market value. The FAQ section and Community Investor Example sections explain how this adds to the value of being involved in One Community and is still profitable for everyone.
Click here to read details on community growth projections

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Becoming a Community Investor*

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

Becoming a Community Investor at One Community is a three stage process with three options for investment offering significant benefits over traditional investing. The three stages are Investment Proposal, Investment Approval, and Investment Implementation and the three current investment options are building of structures, business implementation and time share ownership.

As a constantly growing and evolving community, One Community desires to help Community Investors at each step of the investment process. From the building of a structure or business to its maintenance and management, the community is there as a support structure. Agreed upon parameters of support are in place before an investment is actually undertaken so there is no guesswork or surprises. 

The three stage process for investment is in place to help the community determine their role in each investment and make sure that all investments fit with the culture, mission and philosophy of One Community.

Stage One: Investment Proposal
Submit a proposal for your structure or business to the community. Your proposal should include as much detail as possible with suggestions for how we can help you, what you see for the long term of your proposal, and a rough timeline for completion/implementation. 

Stage Two: Investment Approval
Once the Investment Proposal has been submitted and discussed with one or more of the community members to make sure it is as in line with One Community, the proposal is then submitted to the community for consensus approval or modification suggestions. This process continues until everyone is clear on their part in the proposal implementation and consensus is achieved on the proposal as a whole.

Stage Three: Investment Implementation
By this point all details of the proposal will have been fully discussed, evolved and agreed upon and implementation is as simple as moving forward with the agreed upon plan.

Benefits of Investing with One Community: 
We want to help. Any investment in One Community is literally an investment in us as a community and as such we want to help as much as possible. The function of our community is founded on open communication and honesty so there are no hidden agendas or confusion and everyone can discuss their expectations and work together. Tell us exactly what it is you want and we will tell you how that fits in with our model and what resources we can contribute to your success. Working together we hope to produce something significantly greater than any of us could produce alone.

What kind of parameters can I expect when investing with One Community?
One community will consist of 5 pods of concept homes with each pod conforming to a theme. Concept homes are built ecologically with 100% energy self sufficiency and minimal impact on the land. We already have an expert in this type of building so we are looking for two types of investors: investors interested in financing the building of multiple structures as part of a pod for rental/time share use and investors looking to own a structure as members of the community or for use as a vacation property. We have seen pricing for these eco structures as low as $5000. 

Business opportunities are an open field right now and a list of One Community's currently planned income streams can be found here
Click here to read details on community growth projections

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Community Investor Benefits*

One Community investment is a unique investment opportunity because you don't have to pay for the land, your labor is on site and contributing to keeping building costs down, and you are investing in a community that not only manages your investment but also creates the unparalleled value. Becoming a community investor about partnering with One Community so you purchase an investment property or vacation home at a fraction of the expense and with none of the hassel.

Community Investors are people investing in the 'surface' of the community by building structures for personal use and/or rental. Community Investors benefit by having access to One Community, not having to pay for land, not having to pay for property management or improvements, increased structure value as the community grows, and reduced building costs based on community participation in the building process.

Community Investors benefit One Community by providing structures and revenue and increasing property value for the Property Owner(s).

Community Investors can be Community Members building their own living structures, as well as additional community businesses, or they can be outside investors wishing to build summer vacation residences, temporary housing for themselves, or strictly investment/timeshare properties that One Community manages.

The Community Investors of One Community are invited to participate as much as they are willing in the community process including the consensus meetings, where they are Participants, but not Voting Members, unless they are also Community Members.

Community Investors are responsible for any property taxes assessed on their structures and fall under the general Entrepreneurial Distribution of Funds structure.

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Community Investor Example

This page still under construction....

Becoming a Community Member*

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

Just be you. Speak your heart and your mind, accept and love your fellow human beings, and live in communion with the rest of us consciously and conscientiously. We welcome you to One Community.

Becoming a part of One Community is a four stage process of sponsorship designed to identify a good fit between the individual and the community. The sponsor is responsible for their "guest" until the person becomes a full Community Member with sponsorship rights of their own. Expectations of being a Community Member are at the bottom of this page.

One Community is a unique and special place providing unparalleled opportunity and support for growth and abundance in all aspects of a person's life. As such it is important that we identify people who would be a good fit with our philosophy and our mission, vision and purpose. Because our community operates on team work, consensus and entrepreneurship, it is also important that everyone who joins One Community be dedicated to genuine community as well as the entrepreneurial model; this is essential for One Community to thrive. 

In order to become a member of One Community, you must first be sponsored by an existing Community Member. Once sponsored by an existing member, you will be asked to go through a four step process: interview, invitation, trial period, and if all goes well, you will be granted full membership by the consensus of the existing community members. Until you become a full member, you will be considered a "Guest."

The interview stage is between the sponsor and the community and consists of the sponsor sharing why they feel their Guest should be considered for an invitation; it includes reviewing answers to the community membership questionnaire filled out by the Guest and discussing details like housing, community work needs, etc. If consensus is reached an invitation is extended to the Guest for a 2-4 week stay in One Community.

The invitation stage of becoming a Community Member is the opportunity for a Guest to get to know the community and the community to get to know the Guest. During the Guest's invitation and trial period they are treated just like a Community Member with the only exception being that they are not voting members in the consensus process and any conflicts and/or issues with the Guest are handled through and by their Sponsor first, and the community second, with the Sponsor fully responsible for the actions of their Guest. The community conducts two formal interviews of the Guest during the invitation stage; one interview at the beginning (or before) the Guest starts their stay and one interview in the final few days of the stay. At the end of the Guest's stay the community votes by consensus whether or not the guest is invited to become a part of the community on a trial basis.

Trial Period:
The trial period for new Community Members is 3 months from the date they first became a part of the community and requires consensus to remove the new person from this point on. During the trial period, new members are not allowed to sponsor Guests or vote in the consensus process but they are treated as Community Members in every other way.

Community Membership:
Welcome as a full Community Member! This should be a completely anticlimactic moment by now but it still means that the new member is now part of the consensus process and can sponsor new Guest's of their own. You won't need to consider yourself family because you'll feel it.

Expectations of Community Members:
The number one expectation of all Community Members is participation in creating and maintaining genuine community and the culture of One Community. New members are encouraged and incentivized to engage in entrepreneurial ventures but not required to do so. Community Contribution will always be 40 hours a week unless otherwise agreed upon by consensus. The most common way to achieve consensus reduction of  Community Contribution hours is by providing revenue for the community through a community business (see "Community Contribution and Work Incentives").

Respect and appreciation for each other's talents and passions and sharing these passions (playing music, teaching art, telling stories, watching children, healing modalities, etc.) is an essential part of community contribution and the growth experience that is One Community. Equally important is supporting your growth, and the growth of fellow community members, by taking advantage of the classes and activities they lead or contribute. Community members should also make every effort possible to join in other community building and sharing activities like meals, the consensus process, and other organized social activities.

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Community Member Benefits

One Community is a unique opportunity for Community Members because it is a place of personal growth and expression, a place of financial opportunity, and a place of true acceptance and love. We come together to influence the world through our success, teamwork, and the sharing of our gifts. To truly understand what One Community is to its members, read the following pages first:

Community Members are the people who actually live in the community and attend to the maintenance and sustainability of the community. Community members may choose to be Community Investors and/or Property Owners also because they benefit most from, and have the greatest investment in, One Community as it is through their community contribution that they keep the community thriving. They are collectively responsible for all the decision making, growing of food, tourism, education, organizNY Timesing events and everything involved in evolving the community and living the philosophy of One Community; keeping the community prospering as a conscientious and beautiful place to live, visit and grow. Community Members ARE One Community and their commitment to genuine community is what makes One Community a unique and transformational undertaking.

Even though some Community Members may not have an upfront financial investment in One Community, all Community Members are considered investors because without them One Community would be just another investment property. Community Members are the living embodiment of the One Community philosophy and the heartbeat of what makes this place special and sacred. They are also the 'sweat labor' and brain power that continually increases the value of Community Investor's structures and Property Owner's property.

Community Members, as the foundation of One Community, are responsible for consistently keeping One Community growing and have the Right of First Refusal on all property or structure sales associated with One Community.

Click here to read details on community growth projections.

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Community Member Example

This page still under construction.... 

Click to find out what is involved to become a Community Member
Click here to for the benefits of being a Community Member 

* This page acts as an overview and introduction to One Community and is subject to change.  This is not a legally binding contract, document or agreement.

Visiting One Community

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

One Community is designed to be a tourist destination for spiritual seekers, nature lovers, corporate executives, eco-home enthusiasts, artists, the general public, weekend warriors, and interested investors and provides a diverse selection of activities to appeal to each of these groups. People desiring to visit One Community will have day pass options, overnight stay options, and festival options.

Day Passes (2012)
Day pass options are the farthest off because we need the infrastructure to create the draw and justify charging for a day at One Community. That said, once One Community is thriving it will have 5 complete pods and a community of 80-100 full time Community Members and 20-30 seasonal members. The pods will be attractions in and of themselves as they will each consist of 8-15 single or double residences intelligently designed and themed after one of the five elements with a population of part and full-time artists offering their wares from small shops that are part of their homes.

Think of it like a year round festival/renaissance faire atmosphere. Daily classes, swimming, picnicking, dining on home grown food, touring the eco building options, horseback riding, hiking, adventure tours and just walking the property and looking at the art will all be options for a Day Pass holder.

Overnight Stay Options (2011)
Visitors will have a selection of eco-homes to choose for their stay or the option of luxury accommodations at The Center of Peace. Eco-homes from different pods will be completely different with their own feel and look creating a Bucca Di Beppo "Pope Room" exclusivity appeal that will bring people back again and again to try out the different room options or to stay in their favorite one. These homes will be complete homes with kitchens, full bath, etc. The Center of Peace offers a different type of stay with top of the line rooms in the central building of the community. These rooms will be more like what you'd expect at the Hilton only with bed and breakfast service, private patios, easy access to hot tubs, pool, dining, and live music. They won't have their own kitchens and will instead be a full service stay experience including meals, massage, all classes, tours, etc.

The Center of Peace will be the first building completed so overnight stay options will be available winter 2011.

Festival Options (2011)
Festival options are still under discussion as we want to be absolutely sure we honor and protect the land and the property so the size and theme of festivals is of huge consideration. Whether or not festivals are going to be a part of One Community will be discussed in 2011.