Saturday, September 11, 2010

One Community Philosophy

This blog is the first iteration of what has now become, please visit that site for all the most current details on this project. 

The foundational philosophy and culture of One Community is that happiness and growth are why we are here. These are the keys to longevity, quality of life, health and productivity and we know that freedom to be who we are, a loving community, time spent with friends and family, living a life of virtue and principle, time spent in Nature, and being a part of something larger than ourselves all increase our happiness and help us to grow. We are committed to these foundations of living because we are committed to happiness itself.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
~ Dalai Lama ~

Freedom to Be Who We Are
The philosophy of One Community is that freedom to be who you are is a choice made much easier when your community accepts, loves, and appreciates you for who you are without the desire to 'change' or 'fix' you. We embrace diversity and recognize that for each of us to truly be in our power and to truly shine our full magnificence, we must be open to each other and accepting of one another. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and speak our emotions, and our minds, from a place of love and truth so that others may do the same.

A Loving Community
The philosophy of One Community is that a loving community is the most healing, transformative and nurturing place the human soul can play, learn, grow and evolve. At One Community all community members are treated with love, honor and respect and we are each committed to evolving and maintaining this community with each new addition. Community is our greatest gift to each other and ourselves and the key to our spiritual evolution and the evolution of humanity.

Time Spent with Friends and Family
The philosophy of One Community is that it is important to create the space for time spent with friends, family and community, and make it a priority. We are committed to practical rituals such as group dining, sunrise and sunset classes, working in teams, and music and story telling; all designed to bring us together daily in order to spend quality time with our friends, family, and community.

Living a Life of Virtue and Principle
The philosophy of One Community is to live our lives consciously and conscientiously; within a self-sustaining environment that allows and empowers its members to grow, learn and express their gifts further aiding the sustainability of community. We exercise a culture of conservation and believe that people given the opportunity will always choose what they feel is the right choice. As a result we foster an environment of virtue and principle founded on responsible decision making with regard to ourselves, each other, society and the planet.

Time Spent in Nature
The philosophy of One Community is that time in Nature is a precious gift. It is healing, energizing and something to be honored and grateful for. We are committed to a life of communion with Nature and we respect Her as a living organism, host and part of our community; choosing to preserve Her pristine state and live in cohesion with Her as much as possible.

Something Greater Than Ourselves
The philosophy of One Community is that our community and what it represents is much greater than us as individuals and even greater than the sum of us as its parts; we are committed to nurturing this great community and all that it represents. We commit to be the change we wish to see in the world and understand that "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." ~ Mother Teresa ~