Saturday, April 10, 2010

Different Views

Sara and I had a profound and clarifying meeting with T and M this evening that really helped us all get clearer on each others visions and individual values and the importance of a clear direction.

The most valuable thing that came out of this meeting was a strengthening of my desire to build a community and culture for world change... not just another off the grid place to live and be safe because a lot of people think society is going to collapse. I am confident that there are enough of the latter already and a definite need for the former and I'm the person to make that happen.

Our meeting covered a lot of different options for creating this place... traditional real estate investment where people would buy their own ranches in an area and come together as community, parcelling up a large piece of property, and building something small and then expanding with a lot of the objections/concerns of T and M focused on safety and being sure everyone contributed equally. Sara and I shared a vision that T and I have spoke about many times and is much different than these more traditional models and I think this was M's first exposure to this 'grander' vision.

While warmly received I don't believe they think it is possible and they made it clear that it is definitely not the fastest way to security... and we are also clear that a more traditional model is definitely not the fastest way to community.

In the end, I think the major differences between our vision and T and M's is why we want to create it. When our discussion ended we all agreed that T and M's priorities were definitely on safety and security and Sara and my priorities hardly even focused on this even though it was part of our top 5 reasons for creating something like this. Now I'm not so sure if it is truly a reason or just a benefit and from a personal perspective I think I've learned something very important - the value of a clear focus.

Sara and I have decided to drop the "Security and Safety" aspects of our vision and continue clarifying the details of our vision here to make them more understandable and realistic for people that haven't been studying this as long as I have. Social structure, government, entrepreneurial structure, investment opportunities, community stages, community dynamics, community maintenance, sponsorship into the community and all the other details create quite a mindful and while T and I have discussed this, it was more than M had ever heard and his comments made it clear that what is in my head needs to be put down in writing so it can be mulled over and digested in a manner that is more comfortable for most people.

Bottom line: Clarity of Vision IS the most important aspect to start with and T and M's is very different than mine. Seeing that has clarified mine even more and it is time to put it all down in a form that can be referenced and understood easily and I'm thinking this blog is going to be the place to do that.