Tuesday, April 30, 2013

One Community's Project Management Software Online Journey (Part 3 of 3)

The ACE App is a web-based application that makes it easier and quicker to log each member’s contribution, provides a chat feature, personal profile page, and even a reports page where we can export and view total team contributions for any given week or month. The best part of this is that the interface is very intuitive, very minimalistic, extremely smooth and responsive, and easy for new members to learn regardless of their technological background.


One Community Progress Update for the Week of 4/22/2013

One Community continues to move forward as quickly and efficiently as possible with what we believe is the most effective approach to providing what is needed for those interested in how to help humanity. Our approach is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything necessary to create a solution creating model that creates additional solution creating models. These solutions creating models will be in the form of global self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities working together for The Highest Good of All and demonstrating sustainable and more fulfilled living. This is our progress update for the week of 4/22/2013.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Sustainable Community Contribution Model | Sustainable Cooperative Community Living

Here's updated details on how community contribution will work on the property and allow One Community to flourish and achieve our open source and global goals that include demonstrating what we feel most people would consider a more fulfilled and fun experience of living: http://www.onecommunityranch.org/a-sustainable-community-contribution-model/


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Teaching Collaboration and Cooperation as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life

The open source and free-shared Collaboration and Cooperation curriculum page is now up! We are developing this into a global free education program so please send us your ideas if you read it and see a way to make it better. http://www.onecommunityranch.org/teaching-collaboration-and-cooperation/


Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Page! Walipini and Aquapini Planting and Harvesting

The open source planting and harvesting plans for our Phase I food infrastructure are starting to come together. Check out the new page with the space and zone details: http://www.onecommunityranch.org/walipini-and-aquapini-planting-and-harvesting/


Contribution, Global Perspectives, & Social Science as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life

This page is a globally collaborative open source and free-shared list of contribution, global perspectives, and social science curriculum topics divided into 3 categories: "Contribution," "Global Perspectives and History," and "Current Events and Social Science." If you have an idea or section that you believe should be included here, please send it to us using our Suggestions Page. We will also be developing a lesson plan page for each of these items as part of the Lesson Plans for Life component.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Architects of the Future: We Are One Community

This is an adaptation of an article we wrote for the Aquaponics Survivalist Communities Magazine: "Let’s be our own architects of the future and create a global cooperative for The Highest Good of All. We think that most of us sustainability-minded people know and agree that the technology and resources exist on this planet to feed, house, and supply energy for every man, woman, and child. We think most of us also know and understand that a much more ecologically friendly way of living is possible too. Even better, it seems that there is a swiftly growing movement of people who want and agree that it is a worthwhile goal to create a more fulfilling, fun, and meaningful life for ourselves, our friends, and our families. Let’s work together and create all of this..."


One Community Open Source Update for Progress the Week of 4/15/2013

The One Community goal is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing a community open source strategy that facilitates the building of self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world. We are doing this because we are a For The Highest Good of All organization and we believe our success has the potential to create a new era of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainability, and increased peace and happiness for all of humanity. Here is our community open source update for One Community’s progress and organization accomplishments for the week of April 15th, 2013 including progress on infrastructure, technology, education, and more.


Monday, April 22, 2013

A Day In The Life: Redefining How We Choose to Live

We believe people are beginning to realize the possibility of living a life that is more fulfilling and for The Highest Good of All. We think that deep within many of us there is an awakening and a desire to be a part of something that celebrates, shares, and spreads the human potential for growth, happiness, creativity, cooperation, collaboration, innovation, love, joy, and more. We are creating this, and open source project-launch blueprinting it, as a place and experience of each day as an expression of the creative human spirit and demonstration of lives of more fulfilled and enriched living, purpose, constant growth, and meaningful interaction with each other and our world community. Developing and sharing this re-learning of what life is about, and how wonderfully it can be lived in harmony and cooperation, rather than competition, is what One Community is about; breathing life into a duplicable prototype and generations of teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities


One Community’s Online Project Management Tool Journey (Part 2 of 3)

This is part 2 of 3 of One Community's open source and free-shared online project management tool evolution. It took two years to develop to where we are now and we've been beta testing and continuing to evolve and develop this online application for about 3 months now.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Newly Completed Open Source Education for Life Page Covering Communication Curriculum

The open source and free-shared Education for Life program continues to evolve and develop. Here is the new Curriculum for Life page covering language and communication skills! Check it out and contribute your ideas too!


Sharing, Giving, and Receiving as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life

Here is the new open source education Curriculum for Life page covering sharing, giving and receiving! Check it out and contribute your ideas too! http://www.onecommunityranch.org/teaching-sharing-giving-and-receiving/ ~ https://www.facebook.com/TransformationalEducation ~ https://www.facebook.com/OneCommunityUpdates


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Updated Details Page Covering International Sustainable Living Communities Development Strategy and Implementation

We believe people who desire to help the world are beginning to see self-sufficient and sustainable-living communities working together as a resource efficient, regenerative, and sustainable path to international sustainable development. Non-profit leadership demonstrating and open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything necessary for duplication of all aspect of One Community is our contribution to this. In so doing, we desire to facilitate a movement of duplicable and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities working together for The Highest Good of All...


The 4 Phases of One Community's Contribution to Global Transformation

The One Community goal is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing a large-scale sustainable communities strategy that facilitates the building of self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world. We are doing this because we are a For The Highest Good of All organization and we believe our success has the potential to create a new era of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainability, and increased peace and happiness for all of humanity.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Newly Updated Page: One Community and the 6 Human Needs

We have come to a point in our history where we have the opportunity to create a place we can choose to live in integrity with every moment; choosing harmony with ourselves, our circle of friends and family, and our planet as a demonstration of living for The Highest Good of All. The best part is, we can also do this in a way that specifically fulfills our human needs and allows us to live lives that are rich, vibrant, and meaningful. This page is about living in integrity with ourselves by meeting our human needs ethically and ecologically.


Highest Good for All One Community Progress Update for the Week of 4/8/2013

As we continue our open source and free-sharing mission for The Highest Good for All, here are our update, video update, and new images related to One Community progress and accomplishments for the last week including our food infrastructure site plan, zen aquapini designs, SEGO Center City Hub updates, Education for Life updates, and more.


One Community Welcomes Mijenou Tromp to the Pioneer Team!

One Community is excited to welcome our newest member, Mijenou Tromp, to the One Community Pioneer Team! Mijenou is a Freelance Writer, Photographer, and One Community Liazon to the My Oasis Project forming in Aruba. Learn more about Mijenou on her bio page.


Monday, April 15, 2013

One Community’s Team Project Management Software Journey (Part 1 of 3)

This is Blog 1 leading up to discussing the details of the open source application (link at the bottom fo the blog) that will, in combination with the One Community open source villages, objectively document and demonstrate what we believe most people will agree is a far superior experience of living... check it out.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

One Community World Change Progress Update for the Week of April 1st

Here is the written blog, details, and images that go with our "World Change Progress" video blog update (also included) for One Community's accomplishments for the week of April 1st.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

UPDATED PAGE: Conscious Communication Skills Taught at Consensus

Conscious and conscientious communication are foundations of the consensus process and the feedback and growth culture we are creating with One Community. The following intentional communication techniques are shared here to help anyone wishing to develop their skills of communication and listening. As an organization, One Community sees developing skills of communication as essential to the success of what we are creating. We also see effective communication techniques like these, and evolving the art of communication with each other and the world, as part of what we are open source project-launch blueprinting.


Updated Page! :: Celebrating the Human Experience

We feel this culture of celebrating the human experience and enriching people’s lives is essential to global transformation because it creates something of value to all individuals. We are demonstrating and open source project-launch blueprinting this as possible, affordable, and duplicable through One Community as the first of many teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. We are creating it this way because it meets our own needs and, equally as important, because we feel it is specifically the experience of this more enriching and fulfilling way of life that will create the necessary mainstream support to spread the model globally.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Building with Earthbags – Open Source Earthbag Village Layout Complete

Here's our blog on all the completed designs (images in the blog) for the earthbag village: http://www.onecommunityranch.org/building-with-earthbags-open-source-earthbag-village-layout-complete/ We could still use a ton of help making this village a reality so please share this to spread the word. If you like stuff like this you can also follow our updates page: One Community Updates


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Water Conservation Methods and Rainwater Harvesting Methods Blog

Here's an informational video on water conservation methods and rainwater harvesting methods and techniques along with a summary of key points for those that would like a great resource and overview of the process.


Equality and Diversity Good Practice and One Community Update for the Week of 3/25/2013

Here is our progress update for the week of 3/25/2013, newest design images, and a video blog about equality and diversity good practice. We chose to blog about equality and diversity good practice because of what is happening in the news right now and the fact that we coincidentally finished both our Highest Good Society open source project-launch blueprinting portal and our Diversity, Differences, and Similarities curriculum page for the Education for Life program! Check out the video blog and then all the other accomplishment details for this week below that.


Monday, April 1, 2013

New Open Source Education for Life Curriculum Page: Diversity, Differences, and Similarities

This new page outlines teaching curriculum ideas for Diversity, Differences, and Similarities as elements of the "Caring" category of the Curriculum for Life component of the open source Education for Life Program. This curriculum is meant as a globally collaborative and ever-expanding archive of ideas to be combined with the Teaching Strategies for Life component, and Learning Tools and Toys for Life component, to create endless Lesson Plans for Life purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and open source and free-shared project-launch usable education blueprint in the world.
