Free Global Education Program Development Update: The results of our research into the Reggio Emilia teaching philosophy and methodology are now complete! Take a look at this component of our open source and free-shared Education for Life program and please contribute your ideas if you know of this method and anything we may have missed:, March 31, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Earthbag Sustainable House Design and Village Model Update
Our sustainable house designs and village model focusing on open source project-launch blueprinting earthbag home construction for under $1,500 continue to evolve. We've had to rethink the layout due to the development and 20' diameter growth of the Tropical Atrium as well as conversations with the county that have led to a much more eco-friendly vermiculture bathroom design and communal shower setup. In accordance with our four-phase global change strategy, our goal with this village model is to open source project-launch blueprint this the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) as a demonstration of over 60 different artistic iterations of maximally affordable earthbag sustainable house designs. We will be showcasing this as an beautiful, durable, easy to build, and completely ecologically friendly and sustainable home model that can be constructed for around $1000 per structure from materials that can be locally sourced or easily and affordably shipped anywhere in the world for a total cost of le, March 26, 2013
Sustainable Development Policies and Open Sourcing Highest Good Business
Open source and free-shared sustainable development policies are another area that One Community is open source project-launch blueprinting in support of Highest Good of All sustainable business models. For those interested in joining us in our goal to build and evolve open source and free-sharing self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world there are three primary areas we are developing to open source and free-share our experience in relation to entrepreneurialism: For Profit, Non-profit, and Business Sponsorship. Free-shared Education Page: Interconnectedness Between People and All Other Things Curriculum
New Education for Life page! Like all components of One Community, we'd love help making this even better. This new page outlines teaching curriculum ideas for Interconnectedness between people and all other things as elements of the "Caring" category of the Curriculum for Life component of the open source Education for Life Program. This curriculum is meant as a globally collaborative and ever-expanding archive of ideas to be combined with the Teaching Strategies for Life component, and Learning Tools and Toys for Life component, to create endless Lesson Plans for Life purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and open source and free-shared project-launch usable education blueprint in the world. and Blog Update and Pictures for One Community's Accomplishments for the Last Week
Here is the written blog with detailed links and discussion of everything the One Community team accomplished this last week including SEGO Center updates, a radio interview, Education for Life program updates, 3D pictures of the open source Tropical Atrium and more.
http://Here is the written blog with detailed links and discussion of everything the One Community team accomplished this last week., March 22, 2013
One Community featured on PonderTalkRadio
One Community was featured this week on PonderTalkRadio with Aaron Moritz and Jim Hamell from “The Bridge.” Here is the video of the 1.5 hr interview discussing open source project-launch blueprinting and what’s possible for this planet and all its people. Source and Free-shared Education for Life and the Carl Orff Schulwerk Method
The Carl Orff Schulwerk Method combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to a child’s world of play. The Orff approach is just one of the many systems we have researched to create the Education for Life Program and this page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Carl Orff Schulwerk Method inspired ideas for evolving education. As this page continues to expand we also organize all the ideas into the primary components of the One Community Education Program: Curriculum for Life, Teaching Strategies for Life, Teaching Tools for Life, and building The Ultimate Classroom., March 21, 2013
One Community Welcomes New Consultant Charles McLean to the Sustainable Infrastructure Team
One Community is happy to welcome Charles McLean (Architectural BIM Designer, College Professor, Urban Agriculture Designer, and the owner of OM Greengroup) to the Infrastructure Consulting Team! We've also included some images of his and Karl's most recent work on the SEGO Center., March 20, 2013
New Open Source Portal: The One Community Tropical Atrium
This page is the One Community open source project-launch blueprinting portal for the Tropical Atrium. Our goal here is to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional multi-purpose facility that will serve as a tropical fruit demonstration project combined with multi-purpose passive recreational use that will easily invite members of the community to want to spend time in such a space. Additionally, as is the theme for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), the cost will be inexpensive in relation to its size and we will be able to adapt this space to the unknown inconsistencies of varying degrees of heat, cold, humidity, and light, while utilizing greywater for watering of the plants., March 19, 2013
New Addition to our Conscious Music Project: “Give Love” Lyrics and Video by MC Yogi
New Conscious Music Project Addition: “Give Love” by MC Yogi! "Open up your heart, unlock the cage. Turn the key and break the chains. Love will always find a way. If you want love you gotta give love away." Uh... YAAA!!! Sing along by using the scrolling lyrics below the video: Aquapini Drawings, Open Source Blog and Updates, SEGO Center City Hub Update, and More
Here’s our sustainable living communities open source project-launch blueprinting update for the week of 3/11 including updated aquaponics/aquapini drawings, the newest SEGO Center City Hub export, open source Education for Life updates, and more. Also our weekly blog update (first three minutes) and a 17 minute discussion about what is open source project-launch blueprinting, what do we hope to accomplish with it, and why are we doing it., March 17, 2013
Becoming a One Community Pioneer Page Updated
We recently completed extensive updates on our page for those interested in becoming a One Community Pioneer. Check out the new page!, March 15, 2013
New Page! Honesty and Integrity as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
This page outlines teaching curriculum ideas for honesty and integrity as elements of the “Caring” category of the Curriculum for Life component of the One Community Education Program. This curriculum is meant as a globally collaborative and ever-expanding archive of ideas to be combined with the Teaching Strategies for Life component, and Teaching Tools for Life component, to create endless Lesson Plans for Life purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and open source and free-shared project-launch usable education blueprint in the world., March 14, 2013
Teaching Love and Connecting Page of Our Open Source Education Program is Now Complete
We've completed the Love, Compassion, and Connection component of the open source and free-shared Education for Life Program and we'd love any additional suggestions!, March 13, 2013
New Open Source Waldorf Page is Now Live!
We are happy to report that the Waldorf page of the Education for Life program is now live, filled with the results of our Waldorf curriculum and homeschool resources research, and ready for input from anyone who'd like to contribute ideas to make it better. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Waldorf curriculum and homeschooling inspired ideas that we organize into the primary components of the One Community Education Program: Curriculum for Life, Teaching Strategies for Life, Teaching Tools for Life, and building The Ultimate Classroom. These components are designed to be combined to create endless "Lesson Plans for Life" purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and resource archive in the world., March 11, 2013
One Community Updates: Video Blog 2 | Open Source Education for Life | SEGO Center City Hub | Tropical Dome
Here is our second video blog covering the progress of the last week including progress to our open source Education for Life Program, the SEGO Center City Hub, and the Pod 1 facility that will produce tropical food and function as social space too. One very exciting development from last week that we forgot to mention in the video blog was the publishing of one of our articles by Neale Donald Walsch’s (international speaker and author of the Conversations with God book series) organization called The Global Conversation. The article is called “Creating an Open Source and Free-shared Collaborative Planet” and you can read our blog on it here., March 9, 2013
Neale Donald Walsch and The Global Conversation Feature One Community
Neale Donald Walsch (international speaker and author of the Conversations with God book series) just featured an article we wrote on his website, The Global Conversation. The article is called "Creating an Open Source and Free-shared Collaborative Planet" and you can read it here: For Life Collaborative Input Page is Now "Live"
Our collaboration and suggestions page is now "live" for anyone who would like to contribute to our free-shared and open source Education for Life program that is purposed to transform education as we know it - globally:, March 7, 2013
Montessori Page is now Complete! (except for anything anyone would like to add) ;)
We've completed our Montessori for Everyone Page as part of our evolving open source and free-shared education program. Please check out this page, share it with any education professionals you may know, and if you are someone with specific Montessori knowledge, please help us to expand and evolve it as part of our Education for Life program for globally accessible transformational education. Lifestyles: SEGO Center and Tropical Dome Updates
Here's this week's SEGO Center City Hub and Tropical Dome update and images in our on-going open source project-launch blueprinting program to promote sustainable lifestyles and create and free-share everything people need to duplicate all aspects of One Community., March 6, 2013
The Official Launch of the Open Source and Free-shared Education for Life Program!
We are happy to announce the official launch of the open source and free-shared Education for Life program. As part of this we've now given open source access to our back office and created a diversity of ways for people to participate in the evolution of this program with us! Check it out and please share with anyone you know who might be interested!, March 4, 2013
Our First One Community Video Blog Update!
Our first video blog update. If you like this form of update, please "like", comment, and/or share and we will do more like this. The topic of this update is last week's progress on the SEGO Center, aquaponics, tropical dome, and the Free Education for Life program.