Sunday, December 30, 2012

Welcome Aravind, James, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consultants Team!

One Community is happy to announce P2S Engineering, Aravind Batra, and James Del Monaco to the Consulting and Partners Team specifically working on the Center of Peace. Aravind is an Electrical Engineer, LEED AP and Principal fo P2S and James is a Mechanical Engineer, LEED AP, and Sustainability Director at P2S. They will be helping us so that the Center of Peace can receive sustainable buildings highest sustainability rating: LEED Platinum Certification You can learn more about Aravind, James, P2S and the rest of our team on our Team Page: You can learn more about the Center of Peace here:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Open Source Energy Infrastructure Update

Energy efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand and we have spent extensive time exploring the various energy options available with the following criteria in mind: 1. Sustainability (effective, durable, ethical) 2. Duplicability (can be shipped globally, affordable) 3. Sufficient to provide the foundation we need to explore a diversity of other options for expansion and in support of our open source goals

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Global Free-sharing and Open Source Collaboration

We've launched an international marketing campaign that is now yielding 9,000 new visitors a month to our overview website. This is the new page we just created specifically to help international visitors to the site quickly understand who we are and who we are seeking to work with as we continue to expand our global sustainability collaborative:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to Start a Non Profit Organization: Open Source Sharing what One Community Filed for Ours

Our 501c3 non-profit application details including Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, our actual 1023 non-profit application and more are now open source! Let's make 2013 a year of giving! Please share this if you know people who need help starting a non-profit organization.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Open Source and Free-shared Aquaponics/Walipini Combination Update

We’ve been busy with infrastructure design details! Here are the initial layouts and aquaponics and walipini combination designs called aquapinis. The three walipini food production systems we are designing, along with new design images, can be found at this blog update.

The Wikipedia Ethosolution Idea and Community: Open Source Education and Free Information for All

New One Community Ethosolution Feature: Wikipedia! The service Wikipedia offers is arguably the most incredible information service the world has ever seen, all for free online, and provided for selfless and helpful reasons without advertising, open source so anyone can contribute, and everyone has access. As one of the leaders for ideas like this, Wikipedia has already created huge positive changes in our world in its contribution to the amount, organization and ease of access, and collaborative interaction with the information we as a species have access to. On top of that, Wikipedia is a true demonstration of what happens when people work together for the good of the whole, creating an on-going, ever evolving and free online source to access all the information any of us could ever need... learn more on our page!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sustainability Non Profit Site Update

Our marketing efforts and feedback have told us we need to create an easier way to navigate One Community and understand the magnitude of a project like this that keeps growing and growing. is that solution. Learn more here....

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Center of Peace Eco-jacuzzi and Natural Pool Design Progress Update and Pictures

Our open source and free-shared eco-jacuzzi and natural pool designs are starting to move forward. Check out the link to see some initial concept source pictures and updated details.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Update on the One Community Center of Peace

The One Community Center of Peace is moving forward (see link for pictures). Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer) and Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of KH Designs) have added a dining area over the industrial sized kitchen as well as a second floor in the VIP room area after making space for two ADA compliant ground floor rooms. They've also added an elevator for ADA compliance.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Home Biogas Plant Design and the Advantages of Biogas for Home Implementation and Sustainability

One Community is partnered with Hestia Home Biogas to help forward home biogas plant design and promote the advantages of biogas over fossil fuels. For those who don’t already know, biogas is virtually identical to fossil natural gas, only instead of taking 65 million years to make, it can be made every day in our own backyard using a simple biodigester that requires no moving parts, special equipment, or chemicals. As amazing as this natural energy source is, it has been greatly under-utilized in the United States with less than 100 homes benefiting from it here. Meanwhile, in China over 50 million households are presently using biogas and towns in countries like Sweden operate complete bus fleets on biogas. Take a look at the video and crowdfunding campaign on this blog :)

Dynamic Organics: Garden Tips, Water Saving Tips, Lawn Care Tips, and More

We just completed a blog for Meg West, the landscape architect helping us with The Center of Peace and host of the quarterly sustainable landscaping program “Garden Wise.” In her second episode, “Dynamic Organics,” they focus on tips from the professionals to grow your own vegetable garden, organically maintain your lawn, tips to save water, the benefits of MULCH, and more. This is our blog post including the whole show and our summary of all the main points.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Free Online Schooling: The Khan Academy Online Virtual School Ethosolution

Amazing free on-line education for any age! One Community features the Khan Academy free internet education source as an ethosolution idea and organization. If you have never seen a Khan Academy video, check them out as they are absolutely fascinating and informative! Thank you Khan Academy for making education interesting, free, and for your HUGE contribution to making the world a better place!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Compilation of Uplifting Songs List: Happy | Conscious | Positive | Expansive

As an open source organization focused on global transformation we have a broad diversity of different projects our team is working on that extend beyond our One Community open source village and global sustainability project. The creation of a conscious music page that shares the most uplifting and positive songs we've found is one of those projects. Check it out!

Supporters of Global Change

We are happy to announce three new members of our consultants team: Doug Pratt, L'Iv, and Samuel Kiwasz! Doug is a solar engineer helping us with our energy infrastructure, L'Iv is an architect and engineer with 40 years of experience and helping us with our overall planning, and Samuel is a teacher and sacred geometry specialist contributing to our evolving education program.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Community Launches Major Marketing Campaign

We are happy to announce that the final few pieces of a major world change marketing campaign founded on a $10,000 per month grant have fallen into place! This is the culmination of months of work and preparation to significantly market One Community as a think tank creating open source blueprints and low-impact living models purposed to demonstrate large-scale sustainability and fulfilled living as self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world. The announcement today that our campaigns have been approved is a huge step in our mission is to open source and free-share a sustainable sustainability model that demonstrates and teaches living for The Highest Good of All.

One Community Welcomes New Consultants Karl and Terry

One Community is happy to announce two new Consultants to the team! Karl Harris is an Architectural Technology Graduate, Drafter and Designer who is doing a 120 hour internship with One Community and working on the Center of Peace. Terry Mock is an Urban Land Studies and Sustainable Land Development Specialist who will be consulting us on the details of the property as well as helping us with integration of a Champion Trees Program. You can learn more about both of these amazing people on our Team Page: You can learn more about the property here: You can learn more about the Center of Peace here: