Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Path of the Empathic Civilization - One Community and Creating a Sustainable World Model

Just posted a new video on YouTube:

Video Transcript:
One Community, and the One Community Non Profit organization, are a collaborative vision for a new way to live founded on sustainable abundance and people coming together - to show the world that the way that we are currently living isn't the only way.

Community Website:

Designed to create and demonstrate the open-source blueprints for a sustainable civilization -- we are exploring and expanding innovative approaches to zero waste living and 100% food, energy and shelter self-sufficiency while developing new sustainability models for recreation, education, and social architecture as well.

Non profit website:

In doing this we create a more fulfilling living experience and FREEDOM! Freedom from worrying about where the resources come from so we can apply the skill sets and things we are most passionate about, good at, and LOVE to do in an unparalleled and collaborative environment of contribution and creativity: opening the flood-gates to the ongoing development and sharing of new open source tools, innovative designs, educational resources, and profound beauty and growth for our community -- and the world.

We are a growing team of people committed to bettering ourselves, each other, and the entire human organism. A team that already includes builders, artists, technology experts, permaculture specialists, community experts, teachers and more... Creating the future we want for tomorrow -- Today.

If who we are and what we are doing is exciting to you: Explore the website, look at the world changing goals of our non-profit organization, and our step by step process for achieving these goals, and Get Involved.

Welcome to One Community -- A New Way to Live