Sneha earned her Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering with emphasis on Structural Engineering from University of Oklahoma, and Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Nagpur University, India. She’s passionate about sustainable building design and that interest has led to work on projects related to Building Information Modeling (BIM) during her undergraduate study. Sneha has also worked on an independent study related to bridge design, maintenance and rehabilitation during her masters degree. She also has experience in residential, industrial, and metal building design. She is skilled in various structural design/analysis and BIM softwares (RAM SS, ETABS, STAAD Pro, REVIT, ANSYS etc). Believing projects should be designed with sustainable design goals, Sneha has joined the One Community team to help forward our duplicable sustainable design projects. Specifically, she is helping with the structural engineering details of the Duplicable City Center. Click for Sneha’s bio