Wow... last few days, let's see. Ezine's article accepted!!!
Page 8 on Google for "sustainable communities planning" search.
Optimized two more pages... site still not migrated... should be done tomorrow. Purchased
Added a search bar to the home page:
Finished the Bedrock Investor Page:
Finished the Business Model Page:
By the end of Wednesday those URLS should be shortened!!
Spent a couple hours over e-mail and on the phone fixing my business cards... long story not worth telling but they should be fixed now and I've ordered new ones.
Had dinner with Here II Here the band and really connected - we love our mutual visions and are 100% on the same page and going to do everything we can to support one another... attended their concert on Sunday and 6 friends joined us... very cool!
Did an interview with Genevieve for her book...
Re-scripted the first two videos... recorded the audio for one... scrapped it and went back to the drawing board.
Tons more that I can't even remember... all in all about 35 hours of work over 3.5 work days.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Spent the day refixing my ezines article for the third time... hopefully it will be accepted now :) Caught up on all my e-mails and got FaceBook really rolling... crazy to see it grow so fast. All in all, not my most productive day as I was still pretty tired from the weekend.
Picked up the new One Community Business cards... they made some errors so I need to have them replaced.
Picked up the new One Community Business cards... they made some errors so I need to have them replaced.
3 Days at Frontier Trainings "Sales Explosion"
Spent the last three days at Frontier Training's "Sales Explosion" seminar in San Diego learning exactly what I needed to create my 3 video presentations that will be visual representations of the information currently found at:
These video presentations will be 3 minutes long and create our YouTube presence.
A few things about the weekend: Clinton Swaine has been someone I've respected as a class act and man if integrity for the past 5 years... this last weekend he took my respect to an entirely new level through his honesty, candor and willingness to just be the outstanding person he is with a completely open heart and willingness to be 100 percent self-realized and open about it. I will not attempt to describe the indescribable and will only say that it is a very powerful and emotional experience for me to see someone standing so firm in their integrity and truly BEING.
Thank you Clinton for being you and sharing with us. Amazing.
On a separate note, Clinton has said he will help me review all the details of this project when we are done polishing in a couple weeks and he even invited me to come down and spend a day with him to discuss it when it is finished; a gift beyond value.
As is always the case with classes like this, I also met some AMAZING people!! Bokki, Marguerite, YenYen, Jenevieve, Lauren, Bob, Leo, Desmond, Heather, Kevin, Jenny, and Ryan... you all stood out in my weekend. Thank you!!!
These video presentations will be 3 minutes long and create our YouTube presence.
A few things about the weekend: Clinton Swaine has been someone I've respected as a class act and man if integrity for the past 5 years... this last weekend he took my respect to an entirely new level through his honesty, candor and willingness to just be the outstanding person he is with a completely open heart and willingness to be 100 percent self-realized and open about it. I will not attempt to describe the indescribable and will only say that it is a very powerful and emotional experience for me to see someone standing so firm in their integrity and truly BEING.
Thank you Clinton for being you and sharing with us. Amazing.
On a separate note, Clinton has said he will help me review all the details of this project when we are done polishing in a couple weeks and he even invited me to come down and spend a day with him to discuss it when it is finished; a gift beyond value.
As is always the case with classes like this, I also met some AMAZING people!! Bokki, Marguerite, YenYen, Jenevieve, Lauren, Bob, Leo, Desmond, Heather, Kevin, Jenny, and Ryan... you all stood out in my weekend. Thank you!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What a Day! 1/19
Started the day by writing a 1500 word optimized article to drive traffic to, checked on when it would be done migrating ( 7-10 days :( ) and then I updated all the links on all 50 pages of the site, redid all the links on the brochure, re-uploaded it, recreated my sitemap and uploaded it, optimized and edited these three pages:
and e-mailed Alanis Morissette and Tina Malia to request the use of their songs.
Put a few finishing touches on ( too.
I'll be with Hakan tomorrow and then at a sales class Friday-Sunday with a bunch of old friends so likely no blogging until Monday unless I'm feeling spry after my class ends around 11PM each night.
and e-mailed Alanis Morissette and Tina Malia to request the use of their songs.
Put a few finishing touches on ( too.
I'll be with Hakan tomorrow and then at a sales class Friday-Sunday with a bunch of old friends so likely no blogging until Monday unless I'm feeling spry after my class ends around 11PM each night.
Monday, January 17, 2011
14 hrs yesterday... 12 today...
Wrote, edited and optimized 6 more pages yesterday. Spent a lot of time fixing the rename issue... which can't be completely finished until the site is done migrating to the new host... had hoped that would happen today but it can take upto 5 days.
Finished today which is actually (currently)
I also figured out how to mask pages so my various domains can be pointed to different pages and retain their names.
Pretty exhausted from two days of a lot of redoing of stuff I've already done and waiting for the site to finish migrating...
Scheduled myself for a sales class this weekend (Fri-Sun) that is with a lot of old friends and people that will be interested in this project...
Signing off and going to bed....
Finished today which is actually (currently)
I also figured out how to mask pages so my various domains can be pointed to different pages and retain their names.
Pretty exhausted from two days of a lot of redoing of stuff I've already done and waiting for the site to finish migrating...
Scheduled myself for a sales class this weekend (Fri-Sun) that is with a lot of old friends and people that will be interested in this project...
Signing off and going to bed....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Site Restored!... sort of....
Ok, got the site back up but all the page names have changed... part of what caused the problem in the first place.
With the site migration I was going to have to change all the page names anyway, about a good day's worth of work, but worth it because of the benefits for indexing the site and getting noticed on Google.
Put together two more pages with music and will be requesting permission from the artists tomorrow.
Rebuilding my site map now...
With the site migration I was going to have to change all the page names anyway, about a good day's worth of work, but worth it because of the benefits for indexing the site and getting noticed on Google.
Put together two more pages with music and will be requesting permission from the artists tomorrow.
Rebuilding my site map now...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
So I completely lost my web presence today.... and my site, which I'm waiting to see if I can recover it right now... waiting for a copied portion to upload to mobile me and see if it works or not... VERY scary. I'm looking at somewhere around 500 hours of work.
Started getting publishing errors and I couldn't correct them. Restarted computer, rebooted iWeb many times, then I created a new site to see if that would publish and unwittingly published it OVER my old site on-line... completely wiping out what was there before!
Now I'm transferring one page at a time over to this new site and attempting to publish that... which seems to be happening except... it's not finishing the process... yet... seems frozen.
Spent all day updating all my links and transferring the site to a new server... good news is it is stored there as of about 2 PM today... bad news is I've been working on it all day... sooooo I shouldn't have any possibility of losing the 500 hours... just the 8 from today.
Crossing my fingers.
Gotta walk away from the computer and breathe...
All things for a reason.
Started getting publishing errors and I couldn't correct them. Restarted computer, rebooted iWeb many times, then I created a new site to see if that would publish and unwittingly published it OVER my old site on-line... completely wiping out what was there before!
Now I'm transferring one page at a time over to this new site and attempting to publish that... which seems to be happening except... it's not finishing the process... yet... seems frozen.
Spent all day updating all my links and transferring the site to a new server... good news is it is stored there as of about 2 PM today... bad news is I've been working on it all day... sooooo I shouldn't have any possibility of losing the 500 hours... just the 8 from today.
Crossing my fingers.
Gotta walk away from the computer and breathe...
All things for a reason.
1/15/2011 - New web host needed...
Spent the last two days with my son and woke up this morning realizing I need a new website host. Google, for whatever reason, is not crawling my site and it looks like it is a mobile me problem. Changing hosts is going to take me HOURS of rewriting all my links; boring and tedious work. Hoping to complete this all today.
Drawing up spreadsheets first.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
1/12/11 Editing and SEOing top three site pages...
Two clients this morning so I only logged 13 hours. Started the day by realizing my header tags hidden behind pictures were showing up in a font so large it spilled out and looked horrible. Took 2 hours to fix on all the pages but I consider that a gift as I'd found something that said italicized and bolded words may get preferential treatment viewing by browser bots... so it gave me an opportunity to bold all those too.
Next I edited the top three pages of the site:
"Editing" means I researched key words, added meta tags, added title tags, added image tags, and rewrote the whole thing. End result is outstanding in my opinion and I feel really good about it. Sent them off to Nanice.
Next I edited the top three pages of the site:
"Editing" means I researched key words, added meta tags, added title tags, added image tags, and rewrote the whole thing. End result is outstanding in my opinion and I feel really good about it. Sent them off to Nanice.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tuesday with my son
Tuesdays are with my son. Today we went to Griffith park and spent the day at the playground, mixing and matching parts on his animal morphs, and enjoying nature. Good Times :) Back at it tomorrow.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Working on increasing my web ranking...
Gotta get my web ranking up. Typing in "One Community Ranch" in Google doesn't even bring up my page and "One Community" with associated terms like self-sustainability, eco, green, etc. is even worse.
I've created a site map, placed links to my page on prominent sites like the CHEK Institute and others, and now I'm looking into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools... looks like Rage Software has the one I'm going to use because it works well with iWeb.
Let the learning begin :).... More later...
Found out this is part of the problem: Google sees
as very different from
Something to do with Java... which I know nothing about. What I do know, is that page one, linking to page two, linking to page 3, and then linking back to page 1 is apparently VERY important in the eyes of Google... so I'm now updating all pages to have the first HTML string rather than the second and making sure that the first three levels of my pages all link back to each other and page one.
Writing this now rather than later as it seems the process has crashed my iWeb and I've gotta wait for it to uncrash so I can reboot and hopefully the problem will go away :(
Recreated facebook image to this:
I've created a site map, placed links to my page on prominent sites like the CHEK Institute and others, and now I'm looking into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools... looks like Rage Software has the one I'm going to use because it works well with iWeb.
Let the learning begin :).... More later...
Found out this is part of the problem: Google sees
as very different from
Something to do with Java... which I know nothing about. What I do know, is that page one, linking to page two, linking to page 3, and then linking back to page 1 is apparently VERY important in the eyes of Google... so I'm now updating all pages to have the first HTML string rather than the second and making sure that the first three levels of my pages all link back to each other and page one.
Writing this now rather than later as it seems the process has crashed my iWeb and I've gotta wait for it to uncrash so I can reboot and hopefully the problem will go away :(
Recreated facebook image to this:
Creating This
11PM now... spent all day (sat down at 8 AM, finishing now) updating all my links and researching keywords for the community, resulting in 7 new pages on the website that will become articles also for Digg and eZines. Spent hours creating header tags, and getting organized for the keywords in relation to meta tags, image tags, and title tags.
By the time I'm done I'll have some pretty solid ranking I think.
Exhausted now and I've got Hakan tomorrow so turning in... all in all a good day even though my computer crashed three times :) Good think I save frequently lol
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Back to logging my activity...
Ok, I'm going to start logging my activity again in case someone ever needs to see the process of setting everything up.
Spent about eight hours today. Primary focus was on completing the One Community brochure that can now be downloaded here: One Community Brochure, fixing the Community Member Interest Form that can be downloaded from the Community Member Page, updating all the One Community Website links with the newly finished and finalized edited brochure, updating a few more pictures on the site, adding the background to all the blue water drop pages, and researching and posting my first eZine article that I am now waiting for approval on.
Other notes of interest were Nanice removing herself as a "Creator" of One Community and choosing to be a consultant instead due to all the stuff going on in her life. Edited Team Page to move her to the bottom and bump John up.
I updated the pictures on the following pages:
Added a couple questions to the FAQ page and updated the anchor links.
Spoke with John about the financial format and spreadsheets I'll be running as well as Nanice's new role.
Signed up for a Digg account to increase page ranking.
Started researching Facebook and how to popularize the new One Community Fan Page.
Realizing now that I need to change the image for Facebook so it is all visible on links like this....
Spent about eight hours today. Primary focus was on completing the One Community brochure that can now be downloaded here: One Community Brochure, fixing the Community Member Interest Form that can be downloaded from the Community Member Page, updating all the One Community Website links with the newly finished and finalized edited brochure, updating a few more pictures on the site, adding the background to all the blue water drop pages, and researching and posting my first eZine article that I am now waiting for approval on.
Other notes of interest were Nanice removing herself as a "Creator" of One Community and choosing to be a consultant instead due to all the stuff going on in her life. Edited Team Page to move her to the bottom and bump John up.
I updated the pictures on the following pages:
Added a couple questions to the FAQ page and updated the anchor links.
Spoke with John about the financial format and spreadsheets I'll be running as well as Nanice's new role.
Signed up for a Digg account to increase page ranking.
Started researching Facebook and how to popularize the new One Community Fan Page.
Realizing now that I need to change the image for Facebook so it is all visible on links like this....
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